Pricing Investigator

Use Pricing Investigator to review what influenced G3 RMS when it selected a specific price.

What Help Do You Need with the Investigator?

Investigation Steps

Investigate the Property Overview Details

When you disagree with a pricing decision, first review the demand forecast . That is because the volume and value of all demand compared to capacity impacts the price calculation.

Use the Occupancy Forecast graph to review the demand forecast, and then the Booking Pace graph to compare the On Books against the average On Books of the previous weeks (for the same day of week).

Investigate the Pricing Details

The Pricing Details display below the property overview graphs and shows pricing data by Room Class for the selected date and the three days before and after it.

Investigate the Room Class Details

In the Pricing Details table, click a price link for a room type to open pricing details for the selected date and Room Class. The details show you more granular data than the property level data at the top of the Investigator page.

How G3 RMS Determines Pricing

G3 RMS performs the price optimization together with the inventory optimization. This means that it maximizes revenue, not average daily rate. It uses an all-around optimization approach with many variables, granular data, and complex analysis to determine that best mix between Pricing, Last Room Value, and Overbooking. In Pricing, you can see the pricing decision that G3 RMS produced.

Key Factors That G3 RMS Considers

View the video in Resources on the right for a visual summary of the key factors that G3 RMS considers.

Pricing at the Room Class Level

Demand levels vary by Room Class and the pricing needs to reflect that. While demand might vary by Room Type, G3 RMS doesn't price at the room type level because it's often not the best solution:

  • There is more data at the Room Class vs. the room type level, leading to lower uncertainty.
  • Pricing each room type means more decisions, which means more complexity when you set up and monitor pricing.
  • Many properties need to control the differences between room types, for example, that a Standard Two-Doubles room type is always priced higher than Standard King.

If your reservation system doesn't support different pricing decisions by Room Class, the Master Class Price Master Class price applies to all other Room Classes.

Feedback and Support

At the bottom of the page, you can send IDeaS your feedback about Investigator. Click the star icons to provide a rating and click the Tell us more field to send feedback details.

If Investigator did not answer your questions about the system's pricing decision, click Export Investigation to save the page as a PDF file. When you open a case, attach the PDF to the case. Sending us this information will help our support team understand the system settings and forecast conditions at the time of the pricing decision.