
The Ceiling/Floor tab provides G3 RMS with the minimum and maximum single occupancy prices that you want to sell. The Ceiling value is the highest possible price that you would charge in a high demand period. The Floor value is the lowest price that you are willing to sell. G3 RMS chooses from this range when determining the price.

If G3 RMS has sufficient data, it can suggest these values, either automatically, or when you click Suggest. For any Price Excluded Room Class, you enter the fixed price.

What Help Do You Need with Ceiling and Floor Values?

Note: For independent products, you define their Ceiling and Floor values separately, but the steps are the same.

Setup Steps

When you change Pricing setup, a sync flag is displayed in the menu bar to indicate that your changes impact the system's forecast and decisions. See Sync for more information.

Best Practices

Consider How G3 RMS Calculates the Suggested Values

The suggestions use your historical pricing (bookings with the Equal to BAR attribute from up to 730 past days) and, if available, rate shopping data (how your pricing differed from your competitors in the past and how competitors price for future dates). The system also creates a season for each time period and for each Special Event where pricing differs from the default values.

Note: in its suggestions, G3 RMS already considers the following best practices, like using historical values and following the Rounding Rules and Room Class Order.

Use Historical Prices to Determine Your Range

Add Ceiling and Floor values that are within a reasonable range of your highest and lowest historical prices, by season, and if significant patterns exist, by day of week. For example, if your historical range has been 100 to 200, do not load 70 to 250. As a general rule, if you would not sell a price value in a manual environment, do not make it available in the price range.

Consider Other Factors That Impact Ceiling/Floor Values

Setting the Ceiling and Floor values is the key step to define your pricing strategy. But G3 RMS also considers other setup when producing the Final Price that your guests see.

The following areas impact your Ceiling and Floor values:

Setup Description
Rounding Rules If you set up Rounding Rules to standardize your price format, you see a warning if your Ceiling and Floor values don't meet your price format. You can ignore this warning, but we recommend that your Ceiling and Floor values follow your rounding rules. If you don't, and the system's pricing decision reaches the Ceiling or the Floor, G3 RMS can send only a Final Price decision at the closest rounded point above the Floor or below the Ceiling.

For example:

  • Ceiling=500
  • Rounding Rule=end in 9.00 values
  • Optimal Price=500
  • Final Price=499.00
Price Ranking

Room Classes on the Ceiling/Floor page follow the ranking that you set up in Rooms Configuration. G3 RMS warns you if the Floor price for a higher Room Class isn't equal to or higher than the Floor price for a lower Room Class. And likewise for the Ceiling values.

For example, you have Standard and Suite Room Classes. Standard is ranked as Order 1 and Suite as Order 2. If you set the Floor for your Standard Base Room Type to 100, then you must set the Floor for the Suite Base Room Type at or above 100. The Floor values in seasons must also follow this hierarchy. If you set up an optional Minimum Price Differential of 20 between Standard and Suite, then the Floor for Suite must be at or above 120.

G3 RMS also considers Offsets. The system confirms that the Floor and Ceiling of a Room Class's lowest priced room type are equal or below the lowest priced room type of the next higher Room Class. See Price Ranking for how G3 RMS enforces the order. For example, if the lowest Standard room type has a floor of 100 and the lowest priced Suite room type has an Offset of -20, then the Floor for Suite must be at or above 120.

Note: If you use Advanced Price Ranking and Upgrade Path, G3 RMS does not check if your pricing follows the Room Class hierarchy.

Taxes The suggested Ceiling and Floor values include tax, if you are in a country with Tax-Inclusive PricingClosed Tax-inclusive pricing applies in countries where quoted and booked prices have to include taxes like a Value-Added Tax (VAT) or Goods and Services Tax (GST). If you are not in a country with tax-inclusive pricing, taxes are added to pricing only at the point of payment. In G3 RMS, tax-inclusive pricing is enabled and configured in Property Specific Configuration.. This applies to all pricing setup values. View Entering and Display of Taxes in G3 RMS for more information. For example, the suggested floor value is 100. If your tax is 20%, that transient floor of 100 includes a tax of 20.

If your property uses Supplements, include the single occupancy Supplement cost in the Ceiling and Floor values. This makes it easier for you to determine and enter the lowest and highest prices you want G3 RMS to sell.

The suggested Ceiling and Floor values include Supplement values. Therefore, if you set up Supplements for the first time, we suggest that you enter the Supplement values before completing Ceiling/Floor Transient values.

Before G3 RMS calculates the Optimal Price, it removes the single occupancy Supplement cost. The system adds supplements to the Optimal Price when it calculates the Final Price, see Final Price Calculation for details.