IDeaS Support
Sign in to IDeaS Support when you need to:
If your property's contract includes access to IDeaS Support, you initially activate your account by clicking the link in the email from IDeaS. If you need to reset your password after the initial activation, go to and click Forgot your password. Enter your email address to receive a password reset email.
Note: if G3 RMS is temporarily unavailable, sign in to IDeaS Support from here and click System Status. The page helps you stay informed about the outage without having to contact the IDeaS Support Team.
For billing or invoice questions about G3 RMS, contact your IDeaS representative.
Investigate Forecasts and Decisions
Before you open a case, investigate the issue. Use your knowledge of your property's business and the Investigator steps. In the case, answer the below questions so that IDeaS can investigate the issue.
Information Needed by IDeaS
- Date range or day of week pattern for the issue. Is this a repeating concern (for example, it happens every Tuesday for 3 months) or a one-time occurrence?
- Do you have a concern with the forecasted occupancy?
Is the concern affecting the controls (LRV, BAR (or your name for the primary priced product
Main pricing decision that G3 RMS optimizes. Usually this is the lowest non-restricted product with flexible cancellation policy that anyone can book. The default name is Best Available Rate (BAR), but you can change it in Pricing Configuration.) or Overbooking)?
- Is the forecast concern coming from transient or group forecasts and from which Forecast Group?
- Does data from last year or the recent past support the issue? If so, attach the supporting data to the case.
- What is your actual expectation for the forecast and decisions, for example, a 20% higher forecast?
Information that You Might Receive from IDeaS
- Can IDeaS understand the concern based on the data available? (If no, why?)
- Does IDeaS agree with the concern regarding transient or group forecasts? (If no, why?)
- Does IDeaS agree that the cause stems from a specific Forecast Group forecast? (If no, why?)
- Does IDeaS agree that the data provided supports the case? (If no, IDeaS provides data from G3 RMS that shows why the data doesn't support the case.)
- If there is an issue that IDeaS resolves, we communicate the percentage change in forecast that has occurred because of the change.
Steps to Manage Cases
Sign in to IDeaS Support
You can access IDeaS Support from here or directly in G3 RMS:
- Click your initials in the top right corner of the page.
- Click Support.
- Enter the IDeaS Support Username and Password that IDeaS provided to you.
- Click Log In. You see a list of cases for your property.
Logging a New Case
- Sign in to IDeaS Support, as described above.
- Click the Request Support button.
- In the Open a Case window, select the property name that the case applies to (under Account ID).
- Select G3 RMS as the Product.
- Select the appropriate Case Type and Case Reason.
- Add a detailed Description of the case, see Information Needed by IDeaS.
- If needed, click Upload Files to attach supporting files, for example a PDF file of Investigator results.
- Click Submit to send the case to IDeaS.
Manage Cases
Use email to respond to requests for more information from IDeaS. Reply to emails that you receive and, optionally, add any new attachments.
To view all cases or close a case, sign in to IDeaS Support. You see a list of cases for your property. Click a case number link. You can add comments and close the case when it’s resolved.