Processing is when data transfers between a property's Reservation System The primary reservation system, like a PMS or CRS, that provides data to G3 RMS. The data from that one system is used by the RMS to forecast, optimize and produce controls. The controls are sent to all selling systems, which for some integrations may exclude the reservation system. and G3 RMS. During processing G3 RMS receives new and changed booking data
Files with new and changed booking data that G3 RMS receives from the reservation system. It includes reservations, group blocks, and inventory summary data. Also called Snapshots or Daily Extracts.
- Updates the forecast.
- Runs an Optimization
G3 RMS uses the demand forecast (volume and value), the available capacity to sell, your configuration and your interactions (Special Events, overrides) to calculate optimized controls. Optimization output includes pricing for the the primary priced product, Last Room Value (LRV), overbooking and the constrained Occupancy Forecast..
- Sends updated decisions.
- Monitors the results.
Note: Updated, or differential, decisions means that G3 RMS only sends those pricing, overbooking and LRV values that changed in the last optimization.
What Help Do You Need With Processing?
I want to learn the details and differences between IDP and BDE processing.
I can't wait for the next Processing and want to know if can I use an On Demand Optimization.
I need to know the limitations during each Processing status.
I want to learn about the related Sync and What If options that are available after changes, like overrides.
I need to send pricing overrides to my reservation system before the next Processing with Manual Upload.
Business Day End Processing (BDE)
Nightly processing is also known as Business Day End or BDE. It runs every day during overnight hours after the end of the business day. All
Nightly processing uses the most current reservation system data and runs an optimization for the full optimization window. If set up, G3 RMS sends differential decisions In an optimizaton, G3 RMS sends updated, or differential, decisions. That means that it sends only changes in pricing, overbooking or LRV that happened in the last optimization. For a full decision file that replaces all existing decisions, please open a case. back to the reservation system.
Intraday Processing (IDP)
Daytime processing is known as Intraday Processing (IDP) and occurs between nightly processings. The number of intraday processings depends on your property's subscription, and your reservation system must be able to send multiple daily data extracts. If included, intraday processings run at scheduled times and optimize for a shorter period than the full optimization window of nightly processing.
If nightly processing didn't complete, the next Intraday processing doesn't start.

The intraday processing window is the period for which daytime processing re-optimizes and produces a new forecast and decisions.
This window is shorter in length than the full decision window because the activity that occurs between intraday processings typically impacts days in the near future. The shorter window also means shorter time in Read Only mode.
How long your system remains in Read Only mode depends on many factors, for example, the number of room types, the number of decision changes, and whether you made setup changes and started a Sync. On average, Read Only Mode lasts five minutes and should not take longer than 30 minutes.
G3 RMS applies changes to decisions slightly outside this window to accommodate for different length of stay demand. For example, if the system changes the LRV for the last day in the processing window, this change may impact the LRV for the demand that arrives on that last day but stays seven nights. Therefore, G3 RMS sends revised decisions for all impacted length of stay demand.
If you applied any overrides since the last nightly processing, G3 RMS also uploads them to the reservation system, regardless of whether or not they are within the intraday processing window.

The G3 RMS support team sets the number and times of intraday processing in property setup. The time selections are in the property's time zone. To initiate or change intraday processing, work with your G3 RMS support representative.

Intraday processing collects on-books data and updates the forecast and sends updated decisions In an optimizaton, G3 RMS sends updated, or differential, decisions. That means that it sends only changes in pricing, overbooking or LRV that happened in the last optimization. For a full decision file that replaces all existing decisions, please open a case.. Thus, the forecast, decisions and on-books data that display in G3 RMS reflect the most recent values from either the nightly or the intraday processing.
Intraday processing, however, does not update pace data. Booking curve information, for example, in the Pace Data dashboard or the Booking Pace report, updates only from nightly to nightly processings, based on final rooms sold data.
When a report compares to a current value, the previous value is from the last nightly, or BDE, processing. Only the Pickup/Change report can compare between intraday processings.

Data evaluations that trigger most Alerts and Exceptions are based on data from nightly to nightly processing. In other words, there typically will be no new Alerts, or Exceptions after intraday processing runs. Notifications are available to set up for changes since the last intraday processing.
The New Market Segments Alert and New Room Types Alert are the exceptions to this rule. These two Alerts are open for evaluation, and G3 RMS may trigger them following intraday processing. See Alerts for information.
On-Demand Optimization
If available with your subscription and integration, click in the top right to start an on-demand optimization. Use this option only in exceptional cases, when you need G3 RMS to react to significant changes and you can’t wait until the next scheduled processing. Frequent use might cause slower performance of G3 RMS and your reservation and selling systems. If frequent use negatively impacts performance of these systems, IDeaS might restrict your access to on-demand optimization.
Valid examples include:
- Large bookings or cancellations of groups.
- Severe weather events.
- Large changes of out of order rooms.
- When a new special event with a large impact on your market is announced.
- When you use overrides to make strategic changes in demand or pricing.
Before processing starts, you select the BDE or IDP window. Use the IDP window unless the triggering change happens outside of the IDP window. That's because the BDE window means longer processing and Read Only Mode. For both options, G3 RMS sends updated decisions In an optimizaton, G3 RMS sends updated, or differential, decisions. That means that it sends only changes in pricing, overbooking or LRV that happened in the last optimization. For a full decision file that replaces all existing decisions, please open a case..
Status of Processing
During the entire processing this icon is spinning in the top right. Additionally, two icons tell you about specific phases:

Processing impacts only some pages and some only briefly, so you can use most pages normally. When you see the Read Only icon , it means that you can't save any changes. Before Read Only begins, the system notifies you in the Pricing, Demand and Wash, Group Floor, and Group Wash by Group pages so that you can save any overrides.

While G3 RMS is sending decisions to your selling system, an upload icon displays before the System Date. You can fully use the system, but you may see discrepancies between decisions in G3 RMS and your selling system. Click the icon to view the selling system to which G3 RMS is currently uploading decisions. After decisions are sent, the upload icon clears and new decisions are available in your selling system.