
G3 RMS calculates the pricing decision for the Base Room Type of each Room Class using the price range set up in the Ceiling/Floor tab. Then, it uses Offsets to calculate the pricing decisions for: 

  1. Other room types that are in the same Room Class as the Base Room Type.

  2. Other occupancy types, like extra adults and extra children, for all room types, if you price those differently.

Define offsets by room type for each occupancy type and for each day of week as a fixed amount or a percentage. They are added cumulatively on top of the Base Room TypeClosed The one room type in each Room Class on which the system bases its pricing for the other room types in the Room Class. value. You can set seasonal offsets that override your default values.

Offsets for Group Evaluations

For Group Pricingor Function Spaceevaluations, the offsets of the primary priced product define how much the recommended rate for non-base room types differs from the recommended rate of the base room type. G3 RMS uses the offsets for the group's arrival date to determine the recommended rate.

NoteG3 RMS uses Offsets only for Room Class, not Run-of-House evaluations.

What Help Do You Need With Offsets?

  • I need to view the steps to set up Offsets.

  • I want to learn about the best practices for how to use Offsets.

  • I need to see scenarios for how G3 RMS uses Offsets to calculate the Final Price.

  • I need an overview on how to share my price strategy with G3 RMS in Pricing Configuration.

  • My property uses per room pricing and varies the extra child charge by age group. Before I define offsets, I need to set up Occupant Grouping.

Note: For independent products, you define Offsets separately from the primary priced product Offsets.

Setup Steps

When you change Offsets, a sync flag in the top right indicates that the changes impact the forecast and decisions. See Sync for more information.

Note: If you change your offset values, G3 RMS ignores the Minimum Change Value and updates and sends any pricing decisions that changed as a result of the new pricing setup .

Best Practices

Consider Other Values That Impact the Setup of Offsets

Value When You Enter Values:
Taxes If you are in a country with Tax-Inclusive PricingClosed Tax-inclusive pricing applies in countries where quoted and booked prices have to include taxes like a Value-Added Tax (VAT) or Goods and Services Tax (GST). If you are not in a country with tax-inclusive pricing, taxes are added to pricing only at the point of payment. In G3 RMS, tax-inclusive pricing is enabled and configured in Property Specific Configuration., enter the Offset values inclusive of tax. This applies to all pricing setup values. View Entering and Display of Taxes in G3 RMS for more information.
Supplements If your property uses non-room Supplements, exclude their cost in offset values. For example, you want the difference in price between Room Type A and B in a Room Class to be 30. But 20 out of that 30 is breakfast and is set up as a supplement. In that case, enter 10 as the Offset value. G3 RMS adds the supplements that you set up to your pricing decision.

Understand the Options How to Enter Offsets

With Room-Based Pricing

  • Fixed and percentage offsets can be positive or negative (-).
  • Offsets are cumulative, so the double occupancy price is calculated by adding the Single + Double offsets to the Optimal Price. See Calculations for the Pricing Decision below.

With Per Person Pricing

  • Extra adult offsets are cumulative, so the price for an Extra Adult occupancy includes the price for the maximum adults + Extra Adult offsets. See Calculations for the Pricing Decision below.
  • Child offsets are the exact price for the number of children in the room (1 Child, 2 Children, etc.). See Calculations for the Pricing Decision below.
  • Since Child offsets are the exact price, the value can't be negative. Other offsets can be positive or negative (-).
  • Pricing setup, including Offsets, must follow your Rounding Rules. G3 RMS rounds the Final Price for each room type and occupancy level if you do not. For the Base Room Type, Final Price is the system's pricing decision with rounding applied. For other room types, Final Price is the pricing decision after both offsets and rounding are applied.

Scenarios for Pricing Calculations