Linked Products

Linked Products enable G3 RMS to optimize pricing for other products that are linked to the Primary Priced ProductClosed Main pricing decision that G3 RMS optimizes. Usually this is the lowest non-restricted product with flexible cancellation policy that anyone can book. The default name is Best Available Rate (BAR), but you can change it in Pricing Configuration. or to independently priced products (if enabled). Pricing for linked products can be optimized by G3 RMS or defined by you. Some examples of linked products are Advance Purchase, Bed and Breakfast Package, and a Loyalty Rate.

Note: as the System-CEO you can test setting up linked products. However, you need a subscription to activate them.

What Help Do You Need with Setting Up Linked Products? 

You can set up linked products without uploading their pricing to the selling system. See Upload for more information.

Purpose of Linked Products

Watch this video to get an overview of linked products.

Steps to Set Up Linked Products

On the Pricing Configuration page, you can view, edit, and add linked products. Follow these steps to set up a new product.

  1. Click , then Decisions, and then Pricing.
  2. Define any Advanced Settings , if needed: 
    1. If you want to vary your discounts based on when guests book, set up Days to Arrival ranges. For example, to offer a larger discount to those that book 90 days before arrival than to those that book 30 days before.
    2. If any of your linked products include non-room elements, such as breakfast, set up Package Elements. Then, you can add them to products.
    3. If you use optimized product where G3 RMS selects the adjustment from a range, select the Optimization Level.
  3. Add a new Linked Product and set up pricing, availability and fencing with the Definition, Defaults, and Seasons tabs.
  4. If needed, use Advanced Settings to set up a Hierarchy that G3 RMS follows when it prices optimized products.
  5. Set up Product Groups if you need G3 RMS to price some optimized linked products, like loyalty rates, with the same adjustment for the same date.
  6. If needed, use the arrows  to change the display order of your products.
  7. If needed, set up Notifications to track price changes of optimized products.

Best Practices

Understand How G3 RMS Prices Linked Products

You can choose to control the pricing for your products or you can let G3 RMS optimize pricing from a range of adjustments that you define. In both cases the system's process looks like the below. See Pricing Scenarios for examples.

Understand the Benefits of Linked Products

You can manage linked products in your selling system, but there are benefits when you use linked products instead.

Flexible and Dynamic Pricing Made Easy

G3 RMS can optimize the pricing of linked products for you, based on the demand for each product. Instead of fixed or ruled-based pricing, the system selects the optimal price from an adjustment range that you define. And it does that for each linked product and in each processing.

Ease of Use

You can set up pricing of linked products easily and with more details, like discounts by days to arrival or by season. You can also view and manage the prices of your products in one place.

Better Optimization

Linked products give G3 RMS more information about the value of your products. For example, G3 RMS knows that a market segment with a Qualified Linked attribute includes rate codes whose pricing is based on the primary priced product, but not if that means 5%, 10%, or 20% off the price. It estimates the pricing based on historical data.

For linked products, you define their pricing. And knowing the value of the products helps G3 RMS better optimize Last Room Value (LRV) and pricing.

Pricing Scenarios

Values in the Product Adjustment column might be set up by you or optimized by G3 RMS. The values only illustrate the calculation.

Final Price for Double Occupancy Product Adjustment

Package Elements Price before Rounding and Floor Rounding Rule Floor Value Final Product Price
100.00 -25 Fixed 10 Set Amount 100 - 25 +10 = 85 Up (round up to .00) 90 90.00
109.00 +20% 10% Fixed per Adult 109 + 21.80 + 21.80 = 152.60 Price Rounding Rule (same as the primary priced product), end in 5.00 139 155.00
100.00 -25% 10 Fixed per Adult 100 - 25 + 20 = 95 Price Rounding Rule (same as the primary priced product), end in 9.00) 100 100.00
