Demand and Wash Management

Use the Demand and Wash page to monitor and override the system's forecast of remaining unconstrained demand and washClosed. This topic helps you get an overview of all related topics and tasks. Click the links below to learn more about a specific task.

What Help Do You Need With Demand and Wash?

Steps to View Demand and Wash Data

Data Details

Click a calendar date to open the Daily Details window. Icons appear on the calendar and in the Daily Details:

Purpose and Use of Unconstrained Demand

G3 RMS collects your property's demand history to calculate unconstrained demand then searches for patterns to create demand models by Forecast Group. It uses the demand models to forecast future unconstrained demand for the entire forecast window by Forecast Group, Room Class, and length of stay.

View the videos in Resources on the right to learn more about unconstrained demand.

Calculation and Use of Wash in G3 RMS

If needed, override the group wash. For example, for a group block of 100 rooms, G3 RMS expects 10% wash, but you expect 20%, meaning a final pickup of 80 rooms. Most clients override Wash by Individual Group. If you have many groups and don't want to manage overrides for each group, consider Group Occupancy Forecast Overrides.