Forecast Investigator

The Forecast Investigator helps you answer questions about the demand forecast or use it as the first step to review decisions.

This process helps you understand trends, patterns, and some of the factors that impact demand forecasts in G3 RMS. You can't analyze all the factors and at the same level of complexity as how the system calculates the unconstrained forecast. If you question the forecast for some dates or see an overall forecast issue, open a case for IDeaS support.

What Help Do You Need with Investigating the Forecast?

Investigation Steps

Process to Review Forecast and Decisions

Use the following process when you review the forecast and decisions: 

Investigate Forecast Patterns and Trends

Use the Investigator to understand the patterns and trends in the historical data that impact the forecast. It can help with questions like:

  • What seasonal and day of week patterns exist?
  • Does G3 RMS use the trends from recent or more distant past to forecast? 

Investigate Actual versus Expected On Books

Use this section to compare how many bookings G3 RMS expected against what actually booked. For example, for arrival on next Monday, the system expected yesterday that 100 rooms would be On Books today, with an uncertainty range of 10 rooms higher or lower. Today, the Actual On Books is 95.

This data helps you investigate dates when Occupancy On Books changed significantly. You can compare your forecast expectations against the system’s since yesterday. The larger the discrepancy between expected and actual On Books, the likelier that G3 RMS changed the forecast.

Data Details

Best Practices

Review the System's Decisions

If you agree with the system's decisions, but disagree with the forecast, consider first if it's worth investigating the date. If you disagree with the system's forecast, but you aren't certain that you know something that G3 RMS doesn't, continue to monitor it. If you're certain that you know something that G3 RMS doesn't know, apply demand overrides.

Consider the Impact of Demand360

If you subscribe to G3 RMS powered by Demand360, consider that the data from Demand360 can influence the forecast. As a simplified example, unusually high transient bookings for the competitive set will tend to adjust the demand forecast upwards, and the opposite downwards. Changes to demand may then impact decisions.

Don't Review Occupancy Forecast at the Market Segment Level

We do not recommend reviewing the Occupancy Forecast at the Market Segment level because G3 RMS calculates the unconstrained demand forecast at the Forecast Group and Room Class level, not at the Market Segment level. For the constrained Occupancy Forecast, G3 RMS distributes the Forecast Group level data down to the Market Segment level. This distribution is based on historical data and the proportion at which the business materialized under individual Market Segments in the Forecast Group. If G3 RMS does not see past or future bookings for a market segment, G3 RMS considers the market segment discontinued and will no longer produce a forecast for it. For past bookings, G3 RMS looks at the historical period for which it initially received data, typically two years.


Investigator helps you understand the basic principles behind G3 RMS forecasting: look for consistent patterns in the past and apply them to the future. Here are some examples.