
Overbooking ensures that your property can sell out and maximize revenue by accepting reservations beyond the capacity of a room type or overall property.

G3 RMS overbooks at the property and room type level to offset WashClosed The drop in occupancy due to cancellations, no-shows, group cut-offs, etc. For future dates, the percentage is the expected drop for the Peak Demand. For past dates, it is the expected wash as of the last optimization.. With multiple Room Classes, the system also needs overbooking at the room type level to enable your Upgrade Path.

Use Overbooking Management to review and if needed, override Overbooking, Wash, and Cost of WalkClosed Cost of Walk happens if your property is unable to provide the confirmed room to a guest and has to relocate, or walk, the guest to another hotel. In that situation, costs might include the hotel room at the other hotel, a taxi, etc. Cost of Walk influences the overbooking level: G3 RMS weighs the risks of overbooking, represented by Cost of Walk, against its benefits, which are the additional revenues from selling another room. The higher the Cost of Walk, the lower G3 RMS tends to overbook..

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Steps to View Data in Overbooking Management

Data Details

The following data displays on the calendar dates in Overbooking Management. For data in the Overbooking Override window see Overrides.

Best Practices

Understand How G3 RMS Calculates Overbooking

The system calculates overbooking by considering the following:

Based on this data, G3 RMS first determines the overbooking for each room type, based on wash and the Upgrade Path. Then, based on wash of all Forecast Groups and Room Classes, it calculates the total property overbooking. Property overbooking overrules room type overbooking. That means that if the Available Capacity To SellClosed Physical Capacity plus Overbooking minus On Books and minus Out of Order. This value is the number of rooms that G3 RMS can sell before the property or room type is sold out. at the property level is zero or less, but above zero at the room type level, the system's controls don't accept more reservations.

Note that if your property uses LRV with Delta Uploads, the MaxSold value overrules the overbooking decision until the next optimization. See Hurdle Rates for details.

Understand How Room Type Overbooking Impacts Property Overbooking

Property overbooking is not the sum of all room type overbooking, but it is limited by room type overbooking. The total property overbooking can never be more than the sum of all room type overbooking. When you limit room type overbooking, you might also limit the overall property overbooking. Property overbooking has a significant impact on the system’s forecasts and can impact other decisions like pricing, since G3 RMS optimizes all decisions together.

If you use Run-of-House overbooking, you can override overbooking only at the property, not the room type level.

Understand How G3 RMS Shares Wash Within a Room Class

G3 RMS calculates overbooking for a room type based on its expected wash. That wash doesn't change when you restrict the room type's overbooking through configuration, ceiling default, or a ceiling override. And when the system calculates property overbooking, it must consider the wash of all room types.

Thus, G3 RMS shares the wash of a room type with restricted overbooking, adding it to the overbooking of other room types in the same Room Class. This sharing only works if the receiving room type allows overbooking without any ceiling. See scenarios for Overbooking for examples.