Business Analysis Data Details

Use the Data Details tab to review data in more detail than on the Summary tab, for example, the total rooms on books and the pickup for the next 14 days by rate code or by room type. G3 RMS summarizes the data for your selected dates grouped by Forecast Group, Room Class, or Business Views. If you want to view values for a single date, adjust the slider to that date only.

Click to see an overview of all Business Analysis tabs.

Steps to View the Data

Data Details

Comparisons to Past Data

All comparisons to the data of past years are for the same days of the week, not the same calendar dates. For example, if you select Monday, April 1 to Sunday, April 7, G3 RMS compares the data to the previous April for Monday, April 2 to Sunday, April 8.

Levels of Data

Not all data points display down to the most detailed business level. Here are some examples:

The following data elements display for the selected dates in the tables.

Data Description
Physical CapacityClosed The total number of guest rooms at a property, including out of order rooms. and Effective CapacityClosed The hotel's physical capacity minus the out of order rooms. Display only on the Room Class tab to help you understand how out of order rooms impact total capacity.
Occupancy On Books The number of rooms on-books as of the System Date. For Group business, the number refers to the blocked amount of rooms, not the pick-up.
My Forecast (or custom name) Occupancy If you set up My Forecast values, the total of your forecasted rooms at the property level for the selected period. Budget and My Forecast data is not available at the Inventory Group level and does not Remove Excluded Segments.
Budget (or custom name) Occupancy If you set up Budget values, the total budgeted rooms sold for the selected period. Budget and My Forecast data is not available at the Inventory Group level and does not Remove Excluded Segments.
Pick Up - Occupancy

The change in Occupancy On Books, in other words the number of rooms that have been picked up for the selected period in the number of days that was entered in the Pick up in last __ days field.

Occupancy on Books (STLY) and (ST2Y)

The number of rooms on books for the same period of a previous year and as of the same number of days to arrival (STLY - same time last year, ST2Y - same time two years ago).

Occupancy On Books Variance

The difference between the Occupancy on Books and the Occupancy on Books (STLY) values.

System Remaining Demand The amount of system unconstrained remaining demand. See Demand and Wash Management for more information.
User Remaining Demand The amount of system unconstrained remaining demand or the user unconstrained remaining demand if the system value is overridden. See Demand and Wash Management for more information.
Occupancy ForecastClosed The number of rooms (or percentage of the total number of rooms) that G3 RMS expects the property to achieve for the period. For the calculation, see the Demand and Wash - Overview topic (under Data Details).

The constrained forecast of the occupancy expected to be achieved for the specified period of time, expressed as a specific number of rooms.

Occupancy Actual (LY) and (L2Y) The actual occupancy achieved for the same period of a previous year, for example, two years ago (L2Y), expressed as a specific number of rooms.
Occupancy Forecast Variance The difference between the Occupancy Forecast and the Occupancy Actual (LY) values.
ADRClosed Average Daily Rate. Room revenue divided by the number of rooms of occupancy. On Books The Average Daily Rate on books for the selected time period.
My Forecast (or custom name) ADR If you set up My Forecast values, the ADR at the property level from your forecasted revenue and rooms for the selected period.
Budget (or custom name) ADR If you set up Budget values, the ADR from the budgeted revenue and rooms for the selected period.
Pick Up - ADR

The change in ADR On Books in the number of days that you selected in the Pick up in last __ days field.

ADR On Books (STLY) and (ST2Y)

The ADR on books for the same period of a previous year and as of the same number of days to arrival (STLY - same time last year, ST2Y - same time two years ago).

ADR On Books Variance

The difference between the ADR On Books and the ADR On Books (STLY) values.

ADR Forecast

The ADR that G3 RMS expects to be achieved for the selected time period.

ADR Actual (LY) and (L2Y) The ADR achieved for the same time period of a previous year, for example, two years ago (L2Y).
ADR Forecast Variance The difference between the ADR Forecast and the ADR Actual (LY) values.
Revenue On Books The revenue on books for the selected time period.
My Forecast (or custom name) Revenue If you set up My Forecast values, the total of your forecasted revenue at the property level for the selected period.
Budget (or custom name) Revenue If you set up Budget values, the total budgeted revenue for the selected period.
Pick Up - Revenue

The change in Revenue On Books in the number of days that you selected in the Pick up in last __ days field.

Revenue On Books (STLY) and (ST2Y)

The revenue on books for the same period of a previous year and as of the same number of days to arrival (STLY - same time last year, ST2Y - same time two years ago).

Revenue On Books Variance

The difference between the Revenue On Books and the Revenue On Books (STLY) values.

Revenue Forecast The system forecasted revenue for the selected time period.
Revenue Actual (LY) and (L2Y) The actual revenue achieved for the same period of a previous year, for example, two years ago (L2Y).
Revenue Forecast Variance The difference between the Revenue Forecast and the Revenue Actual (LY) values.
RevPARClosed Revenue Per Available Room. The total room revenue divided by the total number of rooms (capacity). For the capacity definition, see the At a Glance - RevPAR topic (under Data Details). On Books

The RevPAR on books for the selected time period.

My Forecast (or custom name) RevPAR

If you set up My Forecast values, the total RevPAR from your forecasted revenue at the property level for the selected period.

Budget (or custom name) RevPAR If you set up Budget values, the total RevPAR from your budgeted revenue for the selected period.
RevPAR On Books (STLY) and (ST2Y)

The RevPAR on the books for the same period of a previous year and as of the same number of days to arrival (STLY - same time last year, ST2Y - same time two years ago).

RevPAR On Books Variance

The difference between the RevPAR On Books and the RevPAR On Books (STLY) values.

RevPAR Forecast The RevPAR that the system expects for the selected time period.
RevPAR Actual (LY) and (L2Y) The RevPAR achieved for the same period of a previous year, for example, two years ago (L2Y).
RevPAR Forecast Variance The difference between the RevPAR Forecast and the RevPAR Actual (LY) values.

Profit Data Details

If you enabled Profit or Channel Optimization, you can also view Profit metrics for On Books, STLY, Forecast, and Actual (LY):

Data Description
ProPOR Profit per occupied room. ProPOR equals the profit divided by the number of occupied rooms and is comparable to ADRClosed Average Daily Rate. Room revenue divided by the number of rooms of occupancy..
Profit The calculation depends on data that you provide. G3 RMS can consider profitability of guest rooms (based on servicing, channel costs, etc.) and profitability of other revenue streams. For current dates, G3 RMS estimates the profit based on occupancy on books and Occupancy ForecastClosed The number of rooms (or percentage of the total number of rooms) that G3 RMS expects the property to achieve for the period. For the calculation, see the Demand and Wash - Overview topic (under Data Details).. For past dates, the system estimates the profit based on the final number of rooms occupied.
ProPAR Profit per available room. ProPAR equals the profit divided by capacity (based on property's selection, either Physical CapacityClosed The total number of guest rooms at a property, including out of order rooms. or Effective CapacityClosed The hotel's physical capacity minus the out of order rooms., and is comparable to RevPARClosed Revenue Per Available Room. The total room revenue divided by the total number of rooms (capacity). For the capacity definition, see the At a Glance - RevPAR topic (under Data Details)..

Scenarios for Data Discrepancies

If you have questions about differences in the data between G3 RMS and other systems, review one of the following topics:

Data Differences between Reporting Levels

If you have questions about variations in data between different levels, for example, between the property and Forecast Group levels or pickup between rate code market segment level, see Data Level Differences.

Pace Data Differs between G3 RMS and Daily Extracts

If you find data variations between same time last year (STLY) in G3 RMS and other systems, see Pace Differences.