Property Information

Property Name

Use the Manage Property Information tab to change the property name that displays in G3 RMS wherever the full property title is used. IDeaS also uses this name in support and billing documents. Thus, the name should reflect the legal name of the property.

Editing the Property Name

  1. Click , then Property, and then Property Specific.
  2. Enter a new Property Name.
  3. Click Save.

Exclude Market Segments

In some reports (Data Extract, Booking Pace) and dashboards (At a Glance, Business Analysis) you can exclude the data from bookings with specific market segments, for example, those with zero room revenue. Use the arrow > to tell G3 RMS which market segments to exclude.

Room Revenue Tax

If you are in a country with Tax-Inclusive PricingClosed Tax-inclusive pricing applies in countries where quoted and booked prices have to include taxes like a Value-Added Tax (VAT) or Goods and Services Tax (GST). If you are not in a country with tax-inclusive pricing, taxes are added to pricing only at the point of payment. In G3 RMS, tax-inclusive pricing is enabled and configured in Property Specific Configuration., use the Manage Property Information tab to add the room tax percentage during the initial setup of your property. G3 RMS deducts the tax percentage from your tax-inclusive pricing values so that it can use net values for optimization.

Should your room tax percentage change, use this tab to change the tax value. When you change the room tax percentage, the changes take effect for all future pricing decisions after the next processing. A change to the tax value does not impact historical data.

If your property uses the OXI integration, contact your IDeaS representative. IDeaS Teams need to apply tax changes for OXI properties.

Entering and Display of Tax in G3 RMS

How to enter taxes

With tax-inclusive pricing, you enter most setup and override values including tax:

Menu When You Enter Values:
Rooms Setup:  Minimum Price Differentials Include tax
Pricing Setup and Linked Products Setup - all values Include tax.
Note that the suggested Ceiling/Floor values only include tax if you add the tax first, before you click Suggest.
Pricing - Overrides Include tax, enter the override as Final PriceClosed The value of the pricing decision that G3 RMS sends to the selling systems. Final Price is derived from the system's Optimal Price, after applying rounding rules, offsets and supplements (if applicable). Final Price also includes your configured tax value, if you are using tax-inclusive (VAT) pricing.
Rate Shopping Setup - Competitor Rate Adjustment

In some cases, you need to remove tax from rate shopping data. Review the Rate Adjustment option for more details.

Rooms Setup - Cost of Walk Exclude tax

How G3 RMS displays taxes

With tax-inclusive pricing, the system displays some values inclusive and others exclusive of tax, depending on the purpose of the value: 

Value Does Value Include or Exclude Tax?
My Price, or BARClosed Best Available Rate. The lowest non-restricted product with flexible cancellation policy that anyone can book. G3 RMS optimizes the pricing of the BAR product. Other products, like Advanced Purchase or packages, can be linked to the BAR price. pricing decision Includes tax
Pricing-related values in Investigator: Floor, Ceiling, Historical Price (Projections BAR for Limited Data Build properties), Competitors. Includes tax
LRV (Last Room Value) Includes tax
Group Evaluation Details - Break Even, Average MAR, and Recommended Rate Includes tax
Group Evaluation Details - all revenue and profit values, for example Contractual or Displaced Revenue and Net Profit Excludes tax
Forecasted revenue values, ADR, and RevPAR Excludes tax

Enabling Room Revenue Tax

  1. Click , then Property, and then Property Specific.
  2. If you selected tax-inclusive pricing for property creation, Yes is selected for the Default Room Revenue Tax setting. Your room tax value displays as a percentage.
  3. Edit the percentage value as needed.
  4. Click Save.

Seasonal Tax

In rare cases, countries change the room tax for a limited time, for example to stimulate travel during a demand disruption. If that applies to your property, you can use the seasonal tax functionality. See our Demand Disruption topic on how to manage a temporary tax change in G3 RMS.

  1. Under Seasons, type a name for the season.
  2. Select the Start and End Date for the season. The dates refer to the arrival dates when the different tax applies.
  3. Enter the room Tax percentage.
  4. Click add .
  5. Click Save.
  6. If needed, make changes, for example to extend the end date.