
Use the Defaults tab to tell G3 RMS how to price the linked or group products that you set up in the Definition tab. Define how much the price of the product is adjusted from its Base Product. The adjustment can vary by day of week, Room Class, or days to arrival.

Every product must have Default pricing set up, unless you defined a linked product as "Seasonal Product Only" on the Definition tab. Pricing for seasonal products is set up in the Seasons tab. Default values apply to products for any dates when a season is not set up.

Setup Steps

Configuring Product Defaults

  1. Click , then Decisions, and then Pricing.
  2. Select an action:
    • Click the add icon to add a new product.
    • Click the edit icon to change an existing product.
  3. Click Next after completing the product's Definition.
  4. Set up how the product's prices are adjusted from the Base Product:
Column Description
Adjustment varies by

Select an optional checkbox after Adjustment varies by if the product's pricing changes depending on the day of week, Room Class, or days to arrival. You can select one or more of these checkboxes together. If you select none of them, the pricing adjustment applies to all days of week, all Room Classes, and all days to arrival ranges. Note that for Free Night Products, the default selection is Day of Week.

  • Day of Week: Select the Day of Week checkbox if the product's pricing depends on the arrival day of week. For example, guests are offered a different discount if they arrive on weekdays rather than weekends. If you select Day of Week adjustments, you are not required to set up a value for all days of the week, but you must set up at least one.
  • Room Class: Select the Room Class checkbox if you want to vary the adjustment by Room Class. This option is only available if your Optimization Level allows different adjustments by Room Class. The displayed Room Classes depend on the Room Types that you selected for the product on the Definition tab. Set up values for every Room Class.
  • Days to Arrival: Select the Days to Arrival checkbox if the product's pricing depends on how many days to arrival the guest books the product. The Days to Arrival ranges that are available are those that you set up in the Days to Arrival window.

User-Defined Products

These settings apply if you did not select the Optimized checkbox for the product on the Definition tab. In this case, you control the product's price with this setup.

Enter how much G3 RMS adjusts the product's price from its Base Product's price, using either a positive or negative number. Based on your selection in the Definition tab, you can enter either a percentage or a fixed value. For example, you enter a -20 fixed value for Product B which is discounted off Product A. If Product A is priced at 100, Product B is priced at 80.

For fixed values and if you are in a country with Tax-Inclusive PricingClosed Tax-inclusive pricing applies in countries where quoted and booked prices have to include taxes like a Value-Added Tax (VAT) or Goods and Services Tax (GST). If you are not in a country with tax-inclusive pricing, taxes are added to pricing only at the point of payment. In G3 RMS, tax-inclusive pricing is enabled and configured in Property Specific Configuration., enter the values inclusive of tax. View Entering and Display of Taxes in G3 RMS for more information

Optimized Products

These settings apply if you selected the Optimized checkbox for the product on the Definition tab or for group products. G3 RMS uses the range of adjustments that you set up to decide the optimal price for the product.

Enter a percentage range for how much G3 RMS can adjust the product's price from the Base Product's price. You can enter positive, negative, or decimal values. The values should reflect the range of rates that you expect for the product. Note that for group products, G3 RMS only accepts negative numbers.

For example, the price for Product A is 99.00. Product B is based on Product A and has Optimized selected. The adjustment range for Product B is 5% to 8%. When G3 RMS decides the pricing for Product B, it chooses a price from 5% to 8% higher than 99.00. See How G3 RMS Prices Products for calculation examples of optimized products.

You can change the adjustment for different days of the week, Room Classes, or days to arrival ranges if these options are enabled.

  1. Click Next to set up any required Seasons for the products. The Defaults save automatically.

Best Practices

Consider the Impact of Adding Products with Limited or No History

When you add a new optimized product with no or limited history, you want to link it to a similar rate code with a lot of history. Then, G3 RMS can use the history to understand how the price behaves.

For example, you replace an advance purchase promotion, rate code ADVP, with a new promotion that is changeable for a fee, rate code CHANGE. In the product Definition of the new promotion, you add both CHANGE and ADVP as Rate Codes in the Definitions of the product.

If linking another rate code isn't possible, we recommend that you use a small range for the adjustment values. Without historical data, G3 RMS likely prices the product close to the median value of the adjustment range (after considering the hierarchy), until it has enough data to more accurately determine the weight for the product.

This best practice applies to adding any product if your property has limited history, like a Limited Data Build.