
Use the Seasons tab with linked or group products to:

  • Define dates when the pricing for a year-round linked or group product differs from its pricing on the Defaults tab. For example, you have an Advance Purchase product that you price 10% lower over the winter months.
  • Set up the pricing for products that are only available for specific periods in the year. This option is only available for linked products. For these products, select Seasonal Product Only on the Definition tab and you must have at least one season set up. For example, you offer a product with a ski package only during the winter months.

Seasonal products apply to arrival, not booking date. For example, you can't use them for a campaign for the summer with a promotional rate code that can only be booked from May 1 to May 15.

Setup Steps

Setting up Product Seasons

  1. Click , then Decisions, and then Pricing.
  2. Select an action:
    • Click the add icon to add a new product.
    • Click the edit icon to change an existing product.
  3. Click Next after completing the product's Definition.
  4. Click Next after completing the product's Default settings. The Seasons tab opens.
  5. Create or edit seasons:
Column Description
Click the add icon to add a new season.
Season Name Enter a name for the season.
Start Date and End Date

Select the Start Date and End Date to define the date range for the season.

  • The Start Date must be in the future.
  • If you add a season with a date that overlaps an existing season's dates, the existing season splits.
  • If you edit a season that already started, the past dates are saved separately as a Past season.

A warning icon displays for a saved season if its setup is incomplete. You need to edit the season to complete its setup. If you do not correct it, the pricing adjustments on the Defaults tab apply for that season.

For example, you added a new Days to Arrival range in the Days to Arrival window, and the season is priced by days to arrival. You need to edit the season and add an adjustment value for the new Days to Arrival range.

Adjustment varies by

Select an optional checkbox after Adjustment varies by if the seasonal pricing changes depending on the day of week, Room Class, or days to arrival for which the product is purchased. You can select one or more of these checkboxes together. If you select none of them, the seasonal pricing adjustment applies to all days of week, all Room Classes, and all days to arrival ranges.

  • Day of Week: Select the Day of Week checkbox if the season's pricing depends on the arrival day of week. For example, guests are offered a different discount if they arrive on weekdays rather than weekends. If you select Day of Week adjustments, you are not required to set up a value for all days of the week, but you must set up at least one.
  • Room Class: Select the Room Class checkbox if you want to vary the adjustment by Room Class. This option is only available if your Optimization Level allows different adjustments by Room Class. The displayed Room Classes depend on the Room Types that you selected for the product on the Definition tab. Set up values for every Room Class.
  • Days to Arrival: Select the Days to Arrival checkbox if the season's pricing depends on how many days to arrival the guest books the product. The Days to Arrival ranges that are available are those that you set up in the Days to Arrival window.

User-Defined Linked Products

These settings apply if you did not select Optimized for the product on the Definition tab.

Enter how much G3 RMS adjusts the product's price from its Base Product's price, using either a positive or negative number. Based on your selection in the Definition tab, you can enter either a percentage or a fixed value. You can change the adjustment for different days of week, Room Classes, or days to arrival ranges, if these options are enabled.

For fixed values and if you are in a country with Tax-Inclusive PricingClosed Tax-inclusive pricing applies in countries where quoted and booked prices have to include taxes like a Value-Added Tax (VAT) or Goods and Services Tax (GST). If you are not in a country with tax-inclusive pricing, taxes are added to pricing only at the point of payment. In G3 RMS, tax-inclusive pricing is enabled and configured in Property Specific Configuration., enter the values inclusive of tax. View Entering and Display of Taxes in G3 RMS for more information

Optimized Linked and Group Products

These settings apply if you selected the Optimized checkbox for the product on the Definition tab or for group products. G3 RMS uses the range of adjustments that you set up to decide the optimal price for the product.

Enter a percentage range for how much G3 RMS can adjust the product's price from the Base Product's price for the season. You can enter positive, negative, or decimal values. The values should reflect the range of rates that you expect for the product and season.

You can change the adjustment for different days of the week, Room Classes, or days to arrival ranges if these options are enabled.

  • Click to save the season.
  • Click to copy a season to create a new season with the same adjustments.
  • Click to delete Present or Future seasons. You can completely delete a future season (with a Start Date after the System Date). When you delete a current season, G3 RMS splits the season and deletes only future dates. You can't delete past seasons. G3 RMS deletes past seasons based on the data retention policy.
  • Click to cancel editing or creating the season.
  1. Click Done to save your changes and return to the Available Products page.