
G3 RMS displays a flag in the top right after any changes that make the existing forecasts and decisions no longer optimal. Major changes, like certain Room Class changes, also trigger the Read Only state, where you can't make any changes. If you need to resolve both issues before the next processing, start a Sync.

A Sync includes an OptimizationClosed G3 RMS uses the demand forecast (volume and value), the available capacity to sell, your configuration and your interactions (Special Events, overrides) to calculate optimized controls. Optimization output includes pricing for the the primary priced product, Last Room Value (LRV), overbooking and the constrained Occupancy Forecast. but differs from a full processing, see the Best Practices for details.

Steps to Start a Sync

You need to have the permissions to start a Sync.

  1. Click the flag icon in the top right corner of the page. The Sync window opens and displays what triggered the flag.
  2. Click the Sync All button. If you saved a Floor, Ceiling, or linked products override, you can Sync All and Upload. The Sync begins.
  3. A spinning icon displays to the right of the flag to indicate that the Sync is running. And the lock icon before the flag means that the page is in Read Only mode and you can't save any changes.
  4. When the Sync is complete, all three icons disappear.

Best Practices

Understand the Options to Resolve the Sync Flag

Until you start a Sync:

  • Forecasts and decisions are suboptimal.
  • In a What If scenario, the results only reflect the overrides added since the last processing.
  • You can't make any changes like overrides on pages with the Read Only lock.

After the Sync but before the next processing:

In the next processing: 

Know When to Use the Sync All and Upload Option

After you apply a Floor or Ceiling Pricing override, you have to run a Sync before you can manually Upload the new values to your selling system. In those cases, you have the option to click Sync All and Upload. G3 RMS runs a Sync and then uploads the changes to your selling system.