Function Space Evaluations

The Evaluation feature in Function Space helps you decide whether to accept a group's business and at which price. G3 RMS can recommend pricing for guest rooms and for function space rental. If needed, the system can also combine both into one price per attendee.

Based on your Function Space setup and the group information, G3 RMS calculates the group's overall revenue and profit contribution. Based on its forecast, the system also calculates if the group displaces other business.

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Evaluation Steps

Accessing Evaluations

Click and then Evaluations.

Filtering Evaluations

When you open the page, the bottom displays a list of the most recent evaluations. At the top of the page, use any combination of the Search Evaluation filters to find a specific saved evaluation. You can review, re-evaluate, and update saved evaluations.

  1. Use any combination of the Search Evaluation filters to locate saved Group Evaluations:
    1. Enter a full or partial Group Name.
    2. Select the Materialization status that was assigned to the group(s).
    3. Select the Market Segment to which the group belongs
    4. Type or select the Stay Date Start. This date can be any of the potential arrival dates that were entered for the group(s).
    5. Type or select the Stay Date End. This date can be any of the potential end dates based on the arrival dates and number of nights that were entered for the group(s).
    6. Type or select the Evaluation Date Start and the Evaluation Date End. This filter option may be useful if you do not remember the stay dates for the group(s) but do remember in what week the evaluation was run.
    7. Enter the name of the Sales Person(s) associated with the evaluation(s). As you type characters, a list of names displays that contain those characters. Click a name to select it. You can add multiple names.
  2. Click Search.
  3. To return to the full list of current evaluations, click Clear.

Managing the Displayed Data

G3 RMS hides some columns in the list of saved evaluations by default. You can change the visible columns:

  1. Click column filter on the right side of the column headers. A window opens that displays a list of available columns. Visible columns that are checked .
  2. Click the title of a visible column header to hide the column.
  3. Click the title of a hidden column header to display the column.
  4. Click outside the window to close it.
  5. Click any column head to sort data on that column.
  6. Click to Export to Excel .

Editing Group Information

  1. If needed, use any combination of the Search Evaluation filters to locate a saved evaluation, and click Search.
  2. Click Action following the group evaluation to be edited.
  3. Click Edit Group Info. The Group Information window opens.
  4. Change the Group Name, if needed.
  5. Change the Materialization status, if needed.
  6. Select a new Follow-up Date, if needed.
  7. Type Notes regarding the group evaluation, if needed.
  8. Enter the Rate Contracted to record the final rate at which the group was accepted.
  9. Click Save.

Data Details

The following details are available for saved Evaluations.

Field Description
Group Name

The name given to the evaluated group.

  • If you evaluated a group for multiple arrival dates, click the open icon to view data for all dates.
  • If you evaluated a group for multiple properties in a Property Group view, click the open icon to view data for the preferred arrival date for all properties. The property with the highest Net Profit displays at the top, with others following in descending order of Net Profit values. Click Action and click Show Details to see other evaluated arrival dates.
Property Name The property for which the evaluation results apply, only applicable to multi-property group evaluations and in a Property Group view. When the view is collapsed, only the most profitable property displays.
Evaluated On The date when the group evaluation was saved, in the property's time zone.
Arrival Date

The group's preferred arrival date, flagged with a preferred icon .

  • If you evaluated a group for multiple arrival dates, click the open icon to view all evaluated arrival dates.
  • If you evaluated a group for multiple properties in a Property Group view, click the open icon to view the preferred arrival date for all properties. Click Action and click Show Details to see other evaluated arrival dates.
Total Rooms The number of guest rooms requested by the group for all stay dates.
Number of Nights The number of guest room nights requested by the group.
Recommended Function Space Rental

The optimal function room rental rate calculated by G3 RMS. This amount is the total for all days and for all the function rooms utilized. It is constrained by your Function Rooms Rate Configuration. In the case of combination rooms, the rate combines values from the MAR of the room's indivisible pieces. In the case of multiple rooms, G3 RMS calculates a weighted average based off the length of usage and the MAR for each function room used.

If you Adjust the Evaluation Results, the system's recommended and your changed rental values display.

Break Even Rate

The Break Even Rate is the lowest guest room rate to charge the group per room to at least generate the same profit as the profit expected to be displaced by the group. It's at least equal to the Per Room Servicing Cost, when displaced profit is zero (for example when no transient demand exists). The higher the displaced profit, the higher you can expect the Break Even Rate to be, keeping all else in the request the same.

Ancillary revenues impact the Break Even Rate. A group with higher ancillary profit may result in a lower required Break Even Rate, even to the point where it is below the Per Room Servicing Cost. That is because the Break Even Rate is not constrained by your pricing setup, and the more ancillary profit the group generates, the less room revenue profit it needs to offset the displaced profits.

When displaced profit is zero (no transient demand exists for the requested dates) or when the group only contributes room revenue, you can expect the Break Even Rate to be at least equal to the Per Room Servicing Cost. Similarly, the higher the displaced profit, the higher you can expect the Break Even Rate to be, keeping all else in the request the same.

In a Room Class Evaluation, this rate represents an aggregate value of all the selected Room Classes. Because of this, it is possible that a specific Room Class rate could be below the Break Even Rate.

Average MAR Rate The Average Minimum Acceptable Rate (MAR) is the lowest price that you are willing to sell to any group for the group dates. For Run-of-House evaluations, the system calculates this using the configured Floor values of the lowest priced Room Class that is set up as Include in ROH evaluation. For Room Class Evaluations, it is the weighted average of the Floor values for the selected Room Classes.
Net Profit

The additional profit from the group minus the profit from any displaced business. Net Profit equals Net Revenue if you have not set up Per Room Servicing Costs and Revenue Streams.

If you adjusted the recommended rate in a run-of-house evaluation, the Net Profit based on the system's recommendation displays next to the Net Profit based on your adjusted value . In single property views, click the link to open the Adjust Evaluation Results window.

Profit %

Net Profit divided by net revenue.

If you adjusted the recommended rate in a run-of-house evaluation, the Profit % based on the system's recommendation displays next to the Profit % based on your adjusted value . In single property views, click the link to open the Adjust Evaluation Results window.

indicates that G3 RMS adjusted the recommended rate to meet the configured Minimum Profit Percentage.

Market Segment The group's market segment.
Materialization The selected Materialization status of the group. See the Steps section for how to change the group's status.
Sales Person The name of the sales person associated with the evaluation.
Follow-up Date The Follow-up Date assigned to the group. See the Steps section for how to change this date.
Rate Contracted The final rate at which the group was accepted. See the Steps section for how to add or change this value.
ROH Rate For run-of-house (ROH) evaluations, the recommended guest room rate. It is the total gross room revenue divided by the total rooms. If you adjusted the system's recommended rate , your adjusted rate also displays. The adjusted value is the total adjusted gross room revenue divided by the number of rooms.

In single property views, click the rate link to open the Adjust Evaluation Results window.


A green check mark indicates that the displayed results came from a multi-property evaluation. If you re-evaluate an individual property from this saved evaluation, you will see two sets of evaluation results. The first is the saved results from the multi-property evaluation, which remain unchanged. A second set of results displays for the individual property evaluation.

If the Property Group that was associated with the multi-property evaluation is deleted, the green check mark still displays to indicate that the evaluation results for the property originated from a multi-property evaluation. You can only re-evaluate these results for the single property.

Notes Notes added when the group was evaluated. Review the Steps section for how to add or edit the notes.
Action Click Action to view a list of available actions to take for the evaluation:
  • Click Show Details to review the Evaluation Results, either high-level or in detail, or re-evaluate the group.
  • Click Edit Group Info to change basic group information, like its name, the follow-up date or notes. See the Steps section for how to edit the group info.