Override Wash for Individual Groups

Use the Individual Groups tab to review and override washClosed The drop in occupancy due to cancellations, no-shows, group cut-offs, etc. For future dates, the percentage is the expected drop for the Peak Demand. For past dates, it is the expected wash as of the last optimization. for on-books block business. For most clients, the individual group wash override is the most frequent override because they hear directly from a group. For example, a group contacts your property because they expect less pick up than what they contracted.

What Help Do You Need With Overriding Group Wash?

Override Steps

  1. Access the Individual Groups tab via one of the following pages:
    • Group Wash by Group

      1.  Click and then Group Wash by Group.

      2. Click the details icon to only view groups that include that date.

    • Demand and Wash

      1. Click and then Demand and Wash.

      2. Navigate to and click the desired date from which to enter an override.

    • Overbooking Management

      1. Click and then Overbooking.

      2. Navigate to and click the desired date from which to enter an override.

  2. Click the Individual Groups tab. Groups scheduled for future dates display, see details of the group information.

  3. Filter and search groups:
    1. Use the Group Name Search field to locate a specific group. Enter a string of characters to locate groups that contain those consecutive characters in the group's name.

    2. Click All Market Segment and All Forecast Groups to filter groups based on these criteria.

    3. Click to display optional group details, for example, to view total block size.

    4. Click to view groups only for a specific date range.

    5. Click to export the group wash information to an Individual Group Wash report.

  1. Click to open the group information, see block details.

  2. Enter your wash expectation in the User Wash fields, either as a number of rooms or as a percentage.

  3. Press the Tab key, and the system calculates the field that you did not change.
    Note: if you used a Group Occupancy Forecast Override , you can't add a Wash Override for an Individual Group that belongs to the same Forecast Group.

  4. If needed, change the Expiration Date of the override. The date impacts Days to Arrival, see details.

  1. Click Save. The wash override icon displays on the calendar date.

Data Details

Best Practices for Overriding Wash

Understand the Process to Decide If a Wash Override is the Best Solution

Following this overview of the process, click on any of the steps to learn more. Download a PDF of the process in the s.