Overbooking or Cost of Walk Overrides

Use the Override Details window in Overbooking Management to monitor and, if necessary, override overbooking or the cost of walk. On the Room Type tab, you can override at the property or room type level and one day at a time. You can review relevant data, like capacity and on books.

What Help Do You Need With Overbooking or Cost of Walk Overrides?

  • I need to view the steps to override overbooking or cost of walk.
  • Overbooking overrides can have unintended consequences. Show me the best practices for overrides.
  • I want to learn about the data details on the Override Details window.
  • I want to test the impact of overrides before saving them by running a What If.
  • I need to know how to override overbooking or cost of walk for a longer date range with Multiday Overrides.
  • I need to limit overbooking by day of week for all future dates with Ceiling Defaults.
  • I need to change my Cost of Walk or Room Type setup.

Override Steps

Data Details

Best Practices

Because overbooking overrides can have unintended consequences, we instead recommend that you influence overbooking through wash or cost of walk overrides, whenever possible.

Understand When to Use Overbooking Overrides

You should override overbooking when you know something that G3 RMS does not. For example, a new group with potential for return business may require all the rooms with separate beds in your hotel. In that case, you may want to limit overbooking for that room type to ensure nobody in the group is forced into a room with only one bed. You know that the future revenues from that group outweigh any loss from not maximizing revenues on the arrival day of the group, so share that information with the system.

View the video in Resources on the right to understand when you should override overbooking.

Understand the Process to Decide If an Overbooking Override is the Best Solution

Following this overview of the process, click on any of the steps to learn more. Download a PDF of the process in the Resources.

If your property uses Run-of-House overbooking setup, some steps don't apply, see this Help section for more.