What If

Use a What If to understand the, often unintended, results of adding or removing overrides. For example, the What If for an override lowering the overbooking shows you that it will increase pricing and LRV. That helps you decide if the override is the best solution.

Thus, we recommend using a What If before saving your overrides, especially for those with a large impact, like pricing, overbooking, and Multiday overrides. And What If can help you with strategic goals, see this best practice.


Data Details

Net Variance Summary

Begin by reviewing the Net Variance Summary for the overall impact of the change. The Net Variance Summary displays data at the total property and Room Class levels for the changed date, as well as the seven days before and seven days after the change. G3 RMS shows this range because an override for one day may impact surrounding days, due to guests staying over. Keep in mind that the system optimizes all decisions together, so an overbooking override may also change other values like the Occupancy ForecastClosed The number of rooms (or percentage of the total number of rooms) that G3 RMS expects the property to achieve for the period. For the calculation, see the Demand and Wash - Overview topic (under Data Details). and pricing. ​

Arrows indicate the changes cause either an increase or decrease in the measured values for the period. Increased values also display in green, while decreased values display in red.

The Net Variance Summary displays the following data:

Column Description
Room Class The Room Classes affected by the change.
Occupancy Forecast % The change to the occupancy forecast as a percentage, at the property and Room Class levels.

The change to the expected revenue at the property and Room Class levels.

Most What If results after adding a decision override will show lower revenue because G3 RMS calculates the optimal decisions to maximize revenue based on the available demand and your inputs. If you believe that is incorrect, consider what exactly you know that the system does not know and share that input with the system by influencing the system’s forecast rather than changing the controls. For example, override the cost of walk or wash rather than overbooking, and review demand by Forecast Group and your rate shopping setup rather than overriding pricing.

Sometimes you may expect and accept lower revenue, for example, when you add a floor pricing override to protect the rate of a contracted group that is currently higher than the primary priced product. In that case, compare the impact of the override against the cost for lowering the group rate.

Occupancy Forecast The change to the occupancy forecast in the number of rooms, at the property and Room Class levels.
RevPARClosed Revenue Per Available Room. The total room revenue divided by the total number of rooms (capacity). For the capacity definition, see the At a Glance - RevPAR topic (under Data Details). The change to the Revenue per Available Room at the property and Room Class levels for the period.
ADR The change to the Average Daily Rate at the property and Room Class levels for the period.

Daily Details

The Daily Details pane shows the decisions for the override dates. Compare the Old values, prior to adding or removing the override, to the New values, which will be the new results after you save the change. Increased values display in green, and decreased values display in red.

G3 RMS treats pricing overrides differently than other overrides and does not fully optimize around a pricing override, including in What If. Thus if you override pricing and run a What If, the displayed decisions, LRV and overbooking, are not optimized based on the pricing override. View the Best Practices for Pricing Overrides for more details.

Higher pricing decisions in a What If may also mean lower occupancy forecasts. G3 RMS understands that at a higher price point, there may be less demand available than at the lower one.

Daily Details displays the following data:

Column Description

The dates for which an override was added or removed.

Room Class The Room Classes affected by the change.
Room Type The Room Types affected by the change.
Decisions, Old and New The Old column refers to the current value. The New column estimates what the decision will be after optimization and after the override change takes affect. Arrows indicate the changes cause either an increase or decrease. Increased values display in green, and decreased values display in red.

Best Practices

Understand When the What If Option is Available

What If is not available:

  • If your G3 RMS subscription doesn't include it.
  • When you override wash at the individual group level. It is available for wash overrides at the Forecast Group level.
  • When G3 RMS sends decisions to your selling systems and displays an upload icon before the System Date.
  • For overrides of Linked or Independent products.

Use What If to Measure Strategic Goals

  • If you know how much extra business a special promotion or marketing campaign delivers, measure that business against what the system currently predicts. Then compare the revenue gain against the marketing costs.
  • A similar analysis can review a business mix change to compare the additional revenue from the targeted market segment against the increased cost of sale or displacement of business from other segments.
  • You can also use the What If function to examine less frequent situations. For example, use it to help determine the best and worst case scenarios on the impact to your business if a neighboring hotel is going into renovation.