Pickup/Change and Differential Control Report

The two versions of this report help you answer different questions: 

  • The Pick Up Report shows the change in performance metrics for a selected analysis period and over a selected activity period. For example, how much revenue did I pick up during the last 7 days (the activity period) for each arrival date in the next month (the analysis period)? 
  • The Change Report shows you the change in performance data and decisions for a selected analysis period since a selected activity date. For example, how much did revenue and pricing for the next month (the analysis period) change since the last nightly optimization (the activity period)?
    See examples to understand the differences.

Use rolling dates, like the next 30 days, to schedule the report, see scenarios. And if you often run the report with the same selections, you can save that version. If you use rolling dates, you must use them for both the analysis and the activity periods. To learn about the options for activity dates, see Best Practices.

Reporting Steps

  1. Click , then Reports, and then Pick Up/Change and Differential Controls.
  2. Select the desired report version. See the descriptions above.
  3. Click the Analysis Start Date and Analysis End Date to define the analyzed period by using one of the following options:
    • Enter a date in the Selection field and click Apply.
    • Select Specific Date from the menu. On the calendar, click the single left or right arrows to navigate between months or the double arrows to navigate between years. Click the appropriate date in the calendar and click Apply.
    • Use flexible dates by selecting Rolling Date from the menu:
      1. Select the System Date, Start of Month (the first day of the System Date month) or End of Month (the last day of the System Date month). For the Analysis End Date, you can also select End of Year.
      2. Optionally, choose to offset that date by selecting the option with either - or +. For System Date, the offset is number of days. For Start of Month and End of Month, the offset is the number of months.
      3. Enter the number of days or months to offset the date in the Selection field.
      4. Click Apply.
  4. Set the Activity Start Date or Activity End Date using the same date selection method that you used to define the Analysis period:
    1. Click the default date.
    2. Complete one of the following options:
      • If you selected Specific Date to define the Analysis period, select the date from the calendar.
      • If you selected Rolling Date to define the Analysis period, select a previous optimization. See Setting the Activity Start Date above.
    3. Click Apply.
  5. Select a filter under Data Selection for the business level that you want to see in the report.
  6. Select the Parameters for the data that you want to include in the report. The available data options depend on the Report Style and the business level that you selected in Data Selection. For example, if you select room types, you can select products other than the primary priced product.
  7. If you do not select Total Property or Business Types as the Data Selection, then you can select the Show Aggregated Values checkbox to show summarized date (for example, for all Room Classes versus each Room Class individually).
    You are limited in the number of selections and a counter above Data Selection shows you how many elements you selected out of the maximum number.
  8. For the Change Report and at the Total Property level, you can select Competitors to include in the report results. Press Ctrl+click to select multiple competitors.
  9. Select a report Format:
    • Select On Screen to open the report in a new browser window. Use the paging buttons on the top of the window to page through multiple windows of data.
    • Select Excel to open or save the report as an Excel spreadsheet.
    • Note: if you select a large date range, G3 RMS emails you the report. This allows you to continue to work in the system.
  10. Click Generate.

See exporting and printing reports for how to manage report downloads in your browser. If you selected rolling dates and have the permissions, you also see the Schedule button, see scheduling reports.

Steps to View Profit Data

If you enabled Profit or Channel Optimization, you can select Profit metrics as Parameters (step 7):

Best Practices

Understand the Impact of Setting the Activity Dates

For the Pick Up Report, choose:

For the Change Report, you have an additional option:

To view examples using the Change Report, see Scenarios below.


Change Report Example

A property with two intraday processings has three activity periods: Nightly Processing to Intraday Processing 1, Intraday Processing 1 to Intraday Processing 2, and Intraday Processing 2 to Nightly Processing.

When You Run the Report Activity Start Date Results
After the last Nightly Processing
(before the first Intraday Processing)
Last updated date Changes from the last Nightly Processing to the current state
Last updated date-1 Changes from yesterday's Nightly Processing to the current state (after this morning's Nightly Processing)
Last Optimization Changes from the yesterday's final Intraday Processing to the current state
After Intraday Processing 1
(the first daytime processing)
Last updated date Changes from the Nightly Processing to the current state (after Intraday Processing 1)
Last updated date-1 Changes from yesterday's Nightly Processing to the current state (after Intraday Processing 1)
Last Optimization Changes from the Nightly Processing to the current state
After Intraday Processing 2
(the second daytime processing)
Last updated date Changes from the Nightly Processing to the current state (after Intraday Processing 2)
Last updated date-1 Changes from yesterday's Nightly Processing to the current state (after Intraday Processing 2)
Last Optimization Changes from Intraday Processing 1 to Intraday Processing 2

Change Report Example Using On Books Values

Using the previous property, what does the Change Report show with these metrics? Today is October 24 and the current Occupancy On Books is 170. The Booking Pace Report shows Occupancy On Books at the end of each business day:

Days to Arrival Day of Week Capture Date Occupancy On Books - Total
2 Sunday October 22 169
3 Saturday October 21 166
4 Friday October 20 165

The Change Report for October 24 (Analysis Start and End Date = System Date) shows:

Activity Start Date Description Current Change
Last Updated Date-1 Activity since October 22 business day end 170 1.0
Last Updated Date-2 Activity since October 21 business day end to the current state 170 4.0
Last Updated Date-3 Activity since October 20 business day end to the current state 170 5.0

Scenarios for Using Rolling Dates in the Change Report

Changes in the Next 90 Days since Yesterday

You want to see what has changed in the next 90 days since yesterday.

  • Analysis Start Date: System Date
  • Analysis End Date: System Date+90
  • Activity Start Date: Last updated date-1

Measure Change since Start of Day Yesterday

You want to see what changed since for today since yesterday, when scheduled prior to an intraday processing.

  • Analysis Start Date: System Date
  • Analysis End Date: System Date
  • Activity Start Date: Last updated date-1

Measure Change from Friday to Monday (on Monday Morning)

You need to review the data for today from the nightly processing on Thursday night to the current date.

  • Analysis Start Date: System Date
  • Analysis End Date: System Date
  • Activity Start Date: Last updated date-3

Measure Same Day Change for Today from the Last Optimization to the Current

You need to review the data from the last daily processing to the current data.

  • Analysis Start Date: System Date
  • Analysis End Date: System Date
  • Activity Start Date: Last optimization