Decision Configuration

Decision Configuration helps large enterprises during the G3 RMS implementation in all of their properties. After meeting certain conditions, a client manages the one-time switch from Decision Creation Mode to Decision Delivery mode. If you think this module applies to you, contact your IDeaS representative.

Decision Delivery Mode

The decisions that G3 RMS generates do not upload to your selling systems until you tell G3 RMS to begin sending them. While G3 RMS is creating decisions, but not sending them, the property is in a state known as Decision Creation ModeClosed A processing status in which G3 RMS is producing forecasts and decisions, but not sending them to the selling system.. Decision Configuration allows you to turn on decision uploads by changing the property to a Decision Delivery ModeClosed A processing status in which G3 RMS is producing forecasts and decisions, and sending them to the selling system., which tells G3 RMS to begin sending its decisions to your selling system with the next nightly processing.

Send SRP FPLOS decisions at total level allows G3 RMS to send the full pattern length of stay decisions by the SRP. The default setting for hotels with only one room class is to send the FPLOS decisions at the total level. If the box is unselected, G3 RMS sends the FPLOS decisions by room type. This setting is only available for hotels with two or more room classes. Note that if room type is enabled, the hotel cannot go back to total level. This configuration setting is completed by your IDeaS representative.

Within Decision Configuration, you can also view the length of your Forecast, Optimization, and Upload Windows:

Forecast Window

The Forecast Window defines the number of days for which G3 RMS forecasts unconstrained demand. It also defines the window for which you can run Group Pricing Evaluations.

Optimization Window

The Optimization Window defines the number of days for which G3 RMS produces decisions and a constrained occupancy forecast. You can view the optimized decisions and occupancy forecast in G3 RMS for the number of days within the Optimization Window, although G3 RMS only sends decisions for the Upload Window. The default Optimization Window is displayed. The Optimization Window cannot be longer than the Forecast Window.

Upload Window

The Upload Window is the number of days for which G3 RMS sends pricing, overbooking, and LRV decisions to your selling system. It also defines the period for which you can use Manual Upload to send changed decisions, if applicable. The Upload Window is limited by the inventory window of your selling system, so it is the number of days for which your selling system can accept reservations and decisions. The Upload Window cannot be longer than the Optimization Window.

Setup Steps

Setting up Decisions

When viewing this setup page, settings only display that are required for your property. Not all options described here are relevant for all properties.

  1. Click , then Decisions, and then Decision Configuration.
  2. Select a Decision mode:
    • Decision Creation Mode: G3 RMS creates but does not send decisions. If configuration is already set to Decision Delivery Mode, selecting this option stops decision uploads. Returning to this setting from Decision Delivery Mode does not reverse previously uploaded decisions. Those decisions become stale, and you must manually update the current decisions in your reservation system that provides data to G3 RMS (typically your PMS or CRS).
    • Decision Delivery Mode: G3 RMS sends decisions to your selling system. When you select this decision for the first time, the decision upload includes all decisions for the number of days specified in the Upload Window. After that, G3 RMS only sends decisions that have changed since the last decision upload (differential decisions). Before you choose this setting, complete the following steps:
      1. Investigate your forecast and decisions.
      2. Be sure your selling system is ready to accept decisions from G3 RMS. After you switch to Decision Delivery Mode and after one nightly processing has completed, you must go into your selling system to verify that all decisions have been applied as expected. You should also remove any manual restrictions that you have in place. Removing them ensures that they are not interfering with the decisions from G3 RMS.
  3. If you choose Decision Creation Mode, you can select an optional Scheduled Decision Delivery Date. G3 RMS will not switch to Decision Delivery Mode until that date. When the system starts sending decisions, you will receive an Alert in Information Manager to notify you that the system switched to Decision Delivery Mode. You can change this setting any time prior to that date.
  4. View the Forecast, Optimization, and Upload Window for your property. If applicable, you can set the Upload Window value as the maximum number of days for which G3 RMS will send decisions.
  5. Follow these guidelines if the Add Tax to Decision Upload setting is required:
    • If taxes (like VAT or GST) should not be added to the primary priced product and LRV decisions, select No. Do not select "Yes" and add a Tax % of 0%.
    • If you use Pricing and taxes are added to the primary priced product, select Yes. The Tax % value defaults to zero and cannot be changed. In this case, the tax value is controlled by the setup in Manage Property Information. That value is added to the primary priced product and LRV for decision upload.
    • If your property uses BAR by Day and taxes should be added to BAR and LRV decisions, select Yes and add the appropriate Tax %.
  6. If required, add the Daily BAR Rate Code for the rate code that should receive your daily BAR decision in your selling system.
  7. If required, add the Property Code that your selling system uses to identify your property.
  8. Add Notes to explain any setup changes. Notes are required when changing from Decision Delivery Mode to Decision Creation Mode.
  9. To change to Decision Delivery Mode or change the Upload Window, you must select I agree to the terms and conditions. Click on the terms and conditions link to review and make sure you understand the implications of changing the Decision Configuration.
  10. Click Save. Decision Configuration changes go into effect with the next nightly processing.

Scheduling Full Decisions

After a property is in Decision Delivery Mode, the Schedule Full Decisions option becomes available. In Decision Delivery Mode, G3 RMS defaults to sending only decisions that have changed since the last decision upload. The Schedule Full Decisions feature allows you to send a full set of decisions, containing all decision controls for all dates, to help realign controls that may have gotten out of sync between G3 RMS and your selling systems. The full decision upload runs once with the next nightly processing.

  • Click Schedule Full Decisions to deliver full decisions at the next nightly processing. The button changes to Cancel Full Decisions. The full decision upload runs one time, then resets back to sending only differential decisions.
  • Click Cancel Full Decisions before the next nightly processing if you decide not to run the full decision upload, for example, because the property did not finish removing overrides from the selling system.
  • Number of properties currently scheduled for one-time full decisions displays the count of properties currently scheduled for full decision upload for the entire estate. Click the number to open the Full Decision History window, which displays the properties currently scheduled and the full upload history.
    • Select Include Currently Scheduled Full Decisions Only to view the list of properties that are scheduled to send full decisions.
    • Select Include Past Full Decisions to view properties that scheduled full decisions in the past.
    • Use the Start Date and End Date filters to view properties that scheduled full decisions for the selected period.
    • Click the export icon to export the list to a spreadsheet.

History Data

The Configuration History pane records the following information regarding changes to Decision Configuration:

Column Description
Name The name of the user who changed the configuration.
Action The Decision Creation Mode or Decision Delivery Mode setting that the user selected.
Decisions Records decision options that were selected at the time of the change.
Date The date on which the configuration changed.
Time The time the configuration changed.
Notes Notes entered at the time of the change.