Operations Report

Generate or schedule the Operations Report to help you with scheduling of front desk, restaurant, and other hotel operations. You can view on books and a forecast of arrivals and departures to get an understanding of the breakdown between arrivals, departures, and stay-thrus at a property, as well as the additional business to expect for an arrival date.

How the Operations Forecast Differs from the Occupancy Forecast

The forecasted occupancy in the Operations report might differ from the Occupancy ForecastClosed The number of rooms (or percentage of the total number of rooms) that G3 RMS expects the property to achieve for the period. For the calculation, see the Demand and Wash - Overview topic (under Data Details). in other reports and dashboards. Here's why:

  • G3 RMS determines the Occupancy Forecast through a complex optimization process. It completes the Operations Forecasts after the optimization process, not as part of it, and includes data inputs calculated during the optimization process, like expected demand to come.
  • To calculate arrival and departure forecasts, G3 RMS uses both on-books counts and the Occupancy Forecast in conjunction with length of stay patterns. This estimation does not guarantee that these values reconcile with the Occupancy Forecast in all cases.
  • When the forecast occupancy for a future arrival date is below the on-books count for that arrival date, G3 RMS uses the on books values as the forecast for arrivals and departures.
  • The Operations Forecast doesn't consider unusual patterns due to Special Events (outside of On Books) or group blocks that have not recorded all pickup on blocks.

Reporting Steps

There are no filter criteria for the Operations Report. The report always displays information for the System Date to the System Date + 21 days.

  1. Click , then Reports, and then Operations.
  2. Click Generate.
  3. Click the export icon if you want to export the data to a spreadsheet.

See Exporting and Printing Reports for more information about managing report downloads in your browser.

Data Details

The Operations Report provides the following data:



Day of Week The day of the week on which the occupancy date falls.
Occupancy Date The arrival date.
Capacity The property's physical capacity for the arrival date.
OOO Out of Order rooms scheduled for the occupancy date.
Special Event Special Events that occur on the occupancy date and that are not flagged as Informational Use Only. See the Special Events Overview.
On Books Occupancy The current rooms sold for the arrival date.
On Books Arrivals The number on reservations on books that are arriving for the date.
On Books Departures The number of reservations on books that are departing on the date.
On Books Stay-Thrus The number of rooms that remain from previous arrival dates. On Books Stay-Thrus are calculated as the report's On Books Occupancy value minus the report's On Books Arrivals.
Forecast Occupancy The expected occupancy for the arrival date.
Forecast Arrivals The expected arrivals for the arrival date.
Forecast Departures The expected departures for the arrival date.
Forecast Stay-Thrus The number of rooms that are expected to remain from previous arrival dates. Forecast Stay-Thrus are calculated as the report's Forecast Occupancy minus the report's Forecast Arrivals. However, if the Forecast Occupancy is below the on books value, stay-thrus are calculated as On Books Occupancy minus On Books Arrivals.
On Books Adults If you use Per Person Pricing, the number of adults from rooms on books for the arrival date.
On Books Children If you use Per Person Pricing, the number of children from rooms on books for the arrival date.
Forecast Adults If you use Per Person Pricing, the number of adults expected for the arrival date.
Forecast Children If you use Per Person Pricing, the number of children expected for the arrival date.