Arrival By LOS Remaining Demand Report

With extended stay functionality, measure the success of your long-stay business strategies by using the Arrival By LOS Remaining Demand report. It shows how the System Remaining DemandClosed G3 RMS generated remaining unconstrained demand for a date in the future. for future arrival dates is distributed among Forecast Groups, Room Classes and lengths of stay. That allows you to analyze how extended stay impacts your different business segments.

Reporting Steps

  1. Click , then Reports, and then Arrivals by LOS Remaining Demand.
  2. Select the Start Date and the End Date to define the monitored period. You can select up to 31 future dates.
    1. Click the default date.
    2. Complete one of the following options:
      • Enter a date in the Selection field.
      • Select Specific Date from the menu. On the calendar, click the single left or right arrows to navigate between months or the double arrows to navigate between years. Click the appropriate date in the calendar.
      • Select Rolling Date from the menu. Select the System Date or choose to offset the System Date by a defined number of days by selecting System Date +. Enter the number of days to offset the System Date in the Selection field.
    3. Click Apply.
  3. Choose how you want the remaining demand data to display:
    • Select the Forecast Group to see data for that Forecast Group for each day. If you choose "All" to view all Forecast Groups, you must download the report as an Excel spreadsheet.
    • Select a Room Class to see data by Room Class.
    • Select a length of stay or extended stay range from the LOS menu to see data by length of stay.
  4. If you selected a single Forecast Group, select the Format to view the report:
    • Select On Screen to open the report in the lower pane.
    • Select Excel to save the report as an Excel spreadsheet.
  5. Click Generate.

Click the export icon to export on-screen results to an Excel spreadsheet.

See Exporting and Printing Reports for more information about managing report downloads in your browser.

Data Details

The report displays the following information:

Column Description
Date The arrival date. If you view the report on screen, the arrival dates are collapsed. Click the open icon to expand the date to view the Room Class and LOS data.
Forecast Group The selected Forecast Group, or each Forecast Group per day if viewing all Forecast Groups.
Room Class The selected Room Class.
LOS The selected length of stay or extended stay ranges.
System Remaining Demand The amount of unconstrained remaining demand calculated by G3 RMS, for each Forecast Group or Room Class and LOS combination.
Demand Override

The user generated remaining unconstrained demand for a date in the future. If an Arrival by LOS demand override exists for the date, an override icon displays, followed by the remaining demand that resulted from the override.