Function Space Evaluations

Click New Evaluation to enter details about a potential group and to start an evaluation. The evaluation results help you decide how much to charge the group and to understand how much other forecasted business the group displacesClosed In an evaluation, displacement refers to the rooms, revenue or profit that you lose from other bookings when you accept a group..

You can run evaluations for only guest rooms, only Function Space, or both. For an overview of all features, see Function Space.

What Help Do You Need With Function Space Evaluations?

Steps to Evaluate

If your G3 RMS integrates with the Delphi system, you can start evaluations in Delphi. Note that multi-property function space evaluations are not available.

  1. Click and then Evaluations.
  2. Click New Evaluation. The Evaluation Details page opens.
  3. Enter a unique Group Name. This field is not required. If you want to run a quick evaluation without a name, G3 RMS will ask you to add one if you save the evaluation.
  4. Select the appropriate Market Segment for the group.
  5. Change the Include setting as needed: clear the Guest Rooms checkbox to evaluate only function space, clear the Function Space checkbox to evaluate only guest rooms, or leave both selected to evaluate both for the same group.
  6. Choose the Evaluation Method for the group:
    • Run-of-House considers the inventory of all Room Classes that are set up as Include in ROH evaluation.
    • Room Class allows you to select a specific number of guest rooms from selected room types.

    If you want to compare results from both options for the same group, run one evaluation for the group using Run-of-House, then run a second evaluation using Room Class.

  7. If needed, change the Materialization status of the group. These definitions might not match the ones in your reservation system, so use them according to your property’s procedures. This status is only informational and has no impact on evaluations results.
    • Definite: The group has confirmed the reservation, and the price and day of arrival are fixed.
    • Scenario: The group is an inquiry or prospective business, and neither you nor the group have an obligation.
    • Tentative: You are negotiating with the group.
  8. Select an optional Follow-up Date, for example, the contract due date. This date is informational and doesn't trigger a reminder.
  9. Select the Arrival Date(s). The Guest Rooms and Function Space heat maps display occupancy forecast color-coding to help you locate dates that are most likely to be a good fit for the group.
  10. Enter the Number of Nights of the group's stay, up to 14 nights when you include Function Space and up to 90 nights for only Guest Rooms.
  11. If needed, change the group's Preferred arrival date by clicking the radio button next to the date.
  12. If needed, click the delete icon to remove a selected arrival date.
  13. Record information regarding the group in the optional Notes field.
  14. Add the group details in the Guest Rooms, Function Space, Costs and Ancillary tabs below. If you use Package Pricing, add those details as well. Click a tab name below to view the steps:

  15. If you want G3 RMS to look for alternate dates for the group other than the selected arrival dates, see Alternate Dates below.
  16. Click Generate Evaluation. Evaluation Results display.

Using Alternate Dates

If you want G3 RMS to look for alternate dates:

  1. In a new evaluation, click Alternate Date anytime after you complete the Guest Rooms tab and before you complete the evaluation. The Alternate Date window opens.
  2. In the Weekly Alternate Dates fields, enter the number of Pre and Post weeks off the Preferred Arrival date for G3 RMS to search.
    •  The number of Pre weeks must be between the System Date and the arrival date, up to 12 weeks.
    •  The Post weeks can be up to 14 days prior to the end of the Forecast Window.
  3. Select the days of the week for G3 RMS to consider in its search.
  4. Click Generate.
  5. Review the results for Day, Date, and Estimated Displacement. Click the Show More link to view more than five results, when available. The results are sorted by displacement, with the lowest total displacement displayed first.
  6. To add suggested dates to the evaluation, select the checkbox for the date, and click Apply. You can include up to five potential arrival dates in an evaluation.

Re-Evaluating a Group

You cannot re-evaluate a group if you have removed its included Function Space or the Ancillary Revenue Stream from the system since the original evaluation. For example, if you remove a priceable function room that you included in a previous evaluation, you will still see the original evaluation, but you will not be able to re-evaluate the group with that function room.

  1. Click .
  2. Click Evaluation.
  3. Click the Action menu for the saved evaluation that you want to re-evaluate.
  4. Click Show Details. The Evaluation Details window displays.
  5. Change the data as needed.
  6. Click Re-Evaluate.

Best Practices for New Evaluations

Understand the Impact of Using Run-of-House versus Room Class Evaluations


In a Run-of-House evaluation, G3 RMS considers the inventory of all Room Classes that are set up as Include in ROH evaluation.

Rooms to Sell applies to the same amount of inventory, so when the requested rooms exceed that value it means that you likely incur costs from walking other guests. The system considers these costs in the evaluation and displays them in the details of the evaluation results.

Room Class

Use a Room Class evaluation if the group requires specific room types or when you want G3 RMS to price room types differently. For example, a group that requires half of its rooms to be Standard and the other half Suites. It might not be optimal to price Suites the same as the Standard rooms. You define the number of rooms for each room type.

Rooms to Sell applies to the selected room type and when you exceed that value for a room type, G3 RMS assumes that you distribute the business to other room types. The system still considers and displays walk costs since the adding the group might exceed overall property capacity.

Understand When to Include Ancillary Revenues

In an evaluation you can enter the ancillary revenues for guest rooms. G3 RMS then compares the ancillary net profit from the group against the profit of the business it displaces. In general, the higher the group's net ancillary profit, the lower the recommended rate.

Note: Only add Ancillary revenues if you have set up Ancillary Assignments by Season. If you have set up Ancillary Assignments by Season and you delete them in the evaluation, keep in mind that the system still uses the configured values to calculate displacementClosed In an evaluation, displacement refers to the rooms, revenue or profit that you lose from other bookings when you accept a group..

For details, see Ancillary setup.

Use G3 RMS to Find Alternate Dates

For groups with flexible arrival dates, can add up to four alternate dates, run the evaluation, and compare the results for the group's preferred arrival date against the alternate dates. G3 RMS can also suggest alternate dates for you that might be a better fit. For example, you find out that the recommended rate for the preferred date exceeds a group's budget and you want to find less busy dates when you can offer a lower rate.

When G3 RMS suggests alternate dates, it estimates displacementClosed In an evaluation, displacement refers to the rooms, revenue or profit that you lose from other bookings when you accept a group. of other business on surrounding dates. To get more accurate results for alternate dates, select the specific dates and run the evaluation.

Ensure that You Meet the Requirements to Run an Evaluation

  • You can't run an evaluation while G3 RMS is in Read Only mode, see Sync Services for more information. An evaluation doesn't put G3 RMS into Read Only mode.
  • If multiple users run an evaluation at the same time, they go into a queue. G3 RMS returns the results in the order in which the evaluations complete. Evaluation times might be longer in extreme cases where three or more users run simultaneous an evaluations.
  • You can evaluate Function Space for three years beyond the system date. The last stay date must be 14 days prior to the end of this three-year window.
  • If you include Function Space in an Evaluation, the maximum length of stay is 14 days.
  • If you include Guest Rooms in an Evaluation, the maximum length of stay is 90 days.
  • When you evaluate multiple arrival days, the number of days between the earliest and the latest arrival date cannot exceed 365 days. In other words, you cannot run a single evaluation for a group with arrival dates for the same date this year and next year.
  • When you select a start date and time and an end date and time for the group's Function Space use, the date range must be inclusive of all sleeping room nights and all function room nights. For example, if a group is arriving on June 1 and needs guest rooms for three nights (June 1, 2, 3), but a function room for June 4, then select a Start Date of June 1 and an End Date of June 4. You can enter zero for specific days of stay for guest rooms and function rooms if the group is not using one or the other on certain days of stay.
  • The time used for a function room can't fall entirely into a Day Part that you have excluded from the forecast.
  • The evaluation must include at least one indivisible function room with default pricing set up in Function Rooms.
  • You must map all your sales and catering market segments in Market Segment setup and sales and catering room types in Guest Room Type setup before you can run an Evaluation.
  • If you evaluate the group for multiple function rooms and the group later cancels one room, re-run the evaluation with the most up-to-date setup.
  • The time used for Function Space must include set up and tear down time. This allows the evaluation to consider all the time the space is unavailable for sale to another group.

    Multi-property Evaluations:

  •  Multi-property evaluations can include only Guest Rooms, not Function Space.
  • You must set up and select a Property Group that includes all the properties for the evaluation.
  • You must have permissions to access evaluations for all properties in the selected Property Group. The same applies to viewing saved evaluations.
  • The properties must share at least one group market segment.
  • Any property that you want to select is not in Read Only mode due to processing.

Best Practices for Re-Evaluating

Check the Revenue Streams

When you re-evaluate a saved evaluation, G3 RMS uses the saved Costs, Ancillary, and Conference & Banquet Revenue information. If you change the market segment, G3 RMS applies the revenue streams of the new market segment. If you change the preferred date, the system applies the revenue streams for that season. G3 RMS also resets the revenue and profit percentages.

G3 RMS removes any revenue streams that you deleted in setup since the last saved evaluation.

Readjust the Results as Needed

If you re-evaluate an adjusted group, G3 RMS overwrites your adjustments with the new system values. If needed, adjust and save them again.

Expect Different Results for Different Dates

If you re-evaluate a group using the same criteria but on a different date, the evaluation results might not be the same as the initial evaluation. A change in the forecast causes this difference, because the displacement analysis is based on the forecast.

Manage Multiple Property Results

If you re-evaluate individual property results when those results came from a multi-property group evaluation, two sets of evaluation results display. The first saved results from the multi-property evaluation remain unchanged. A second set of results displays for the new individual property evaluation.

If the Property Group that was associated with a multi-property evaluation is deleted, the green check mark still displays to indicate that the evaluation results for the property originated from a multi-property evaluation. You can only run a re-evaluation of these results for the single property and with the Run-of-House method.