Function Space Evaluation Details

Usually the Evaluation Results provide enough information to help you decide about a group inquiry. For a complete picture of the impact of accepting a group, click View Details and review the Evaluation Details page, for example, what business the group displaces, the results for each date, or the results by category (Guest Rooms, Ancillary and Function Space).

Review Steps

Click View Details from the Evaluation Results page after you run an evaluation, or follow these steps to view the details of a saved evaluation:

  1. Click and then Evaluations.
  2. Click the Action menu for the saved evaluation that you want to view.
  3. Click Show Details. The Evaluation Details window displays.
  4. Click the Evaluation Results tab.
  5. Click View Details for an arrival date. The Details window opens.
  6. Click Excel to export the results to a spreadsheet.

Data Details

Note that if you use tax-inclusive pricingClosed Tax-inclusive pricing applies in countries where quoted and booked prices have to include taxes like a Value-Added Tax (VAT) or Goods and Services Tax (GST). If you are not in a country with tax-inclusive pricing, taxes are added to pricing only at the point of payment. In G3 RMS, tax-inclusive pricing is enabled and configured in Property Specific Configuration. , all revenue, forecast and profit values (like Gross Revenue) don't include taxes, while rate values (like the Recommended Rate) include tax. See Room Revenue Tax for more information.

Click the Excel icon to export the results to a spreadsheet.

Rooms Details

Field Description
Recommended Rate

The optimal guest room rate, considering both maximizing profits and the probability of the group accepting a specific rate. If you Adjust the Evaluation Results, the system's recommended rate and your changed rate display.

Gross Revenue The guest room revenue that G3 RMS expects you to gain for the selected stay dates, before deducting revenue loss due to complimentary rooms, discounted rooms, other concessions and commissions. This value equals the number of total rooms multiplied by the Recommended Rate.
Total Cost

The total cost of concessions, commissions, rebates, complimentary or discounted rooms that you are offering to the group, as entered in the Costs tab of the evaluation. For Room Class evaluations, G3 RMS completes the following calculations:

  • Commissions: G3 RMS applies the specified commission percentage to the rate returned for each room type.
  • Complimentary: G3 RMS calculates the percentage cost as the weighted average of the rates for all specified room types.
  • Discounted: G3 RMS calculates the percentage cost as the weighted average of the rates for all specified room types.
  • Rebates: G3 RMS applies the specified rebate percentage to the rate returned for each specified room type.
Net Revenue The Gross Revenue minus the Total Cost.
Gross Profit

The guest room profit that G3 RMS expects you to achieve by accepting the group, before considering displaced business. The system subtracts Concessions, Commission, and the configured Per Room Servicing Cost from this value.

Displaced Revenue

The room revenue that G3 RMS expects the group to displace, based on the group information and the current forecast.

Displaced Profit The room profit that accepting the group will displace, based on Displaced Revenue and the Per Room Servicing Cost that you set up.
Cost of Walk

The number of rooms that exceed the Rooms to SellClosed Physical Capacity plus Overbooking minus On Books and minus Out of Order. This value is the number of rooms that G3 RMS can sell before the property or room type is sold out., followed by the cost of walking guests for those rooms.

If a group exceeds the Rooms to Sell, some guests might need to be relocated, or walked, in order to accommodate the group. Therefore, G3 RMS calculates this cost (using the Cost of Walk setup) and considers it in the calculation of profit and recommended rate.

Note that for evaluations by Room Class, the Rooms to Sell applies only to the selected room types (not to property level as for Run-of-House). That means your group rooms might exceed Rooms to Sell, but no forecasted Cost of Walk exists. In this case, other room types in the same Room Class or room types in another Room Class that is on the Upgrade Path have enough available capacity to accept the excess group rooms.

Net Profit The Gross Profit minus the Displaced Profit and Cost of Walk.
Net Profit % The Net Profit divided by the Gross Revenue.


Data Description
Gross Revenue The revenue gained from the Ancillary Revenue Streams for the selected stay dates.
Net Revenue The same value as the Gross Revenue, as there are no discounts or commissions that apply to Ancillary Revenue Streams.
Gross Profit The gross profit from Ancillary Revenue Streams that the property will make by accepting the group, before considering displaced business but after considering the Profit % that is set up for the revenue stream.
Displaced Revenue The Ancillary Revenue Stream revenue that accepting the group will displace at a property level. If you have not set up Ancillary Assignments by Season, this value is zero.
Displaced Profit The Ancillary Revenue Stream profit that accepting the group will displace on this arrival date, based on Displaced Revenue and the Profit % set up for Ancillary Revenue Streams.
Net Profit The Gross Profit minus the Displaced Profit.
Net Profit % The Net Profit divided by the Gross Revenue.

Function Space Details

Field Description
Recommended Rental

The optimal function room rental rate calculated by G3 RMS. This amount is the total for all days and for all the function rooms utilized. It is constrained by your Function Rooms Rate Configuration. In the case of combination rooms, the rate combines values from the MAR of the room's indivisible pieces. In the case of multiple rooms, G3 RMS calculates a weighted average based off the length of usage and the MAR for each function room used.

If you Adjust the Evaluation Results, the system's recommended and your changed rental values display.

Gross Revenue The total gross revenue for all function rooms used by the group.
Total Cost The total of the Commissions and Function Space Costs, as entered in the Function Space tab of the evaluation.
Net Revenue The Gross Revenue minus the Total Cost.
Gross Profit The gross profit from Function Space that G3 RMS expects you to achieve by accepting the group.
Displaced Revenue The Function Space revenue that G3 RMS expects the group to displace.
Displaced Profit The Function Space profit that G3 RMS expects the group to displace.
Net Profit The Gross Profit minus the Displaced Profit and Cost of Walk.
Net Profit % The Net Profit divided by the Gross Revenue.


Data Description
Gross Revenue The sum of Rooms, Ancillary and Conference & Banquet gross revenue. This value is the total revenue earned from the group for the selected stay dates, before deducting revenue loss due to costs.
Total Cost The sum of all Total Cost values.
Net Revenue The sum of all Net Revenue values.
Gross Profit The sum of all Gross Profit values.
Displaced Revenue The sum all of Displaced Revenue values.
Displaced Profit The sum of all Displaced Profit values.
Net Profit The sum of all Net Profit values.
Net Profit % The Net Profit divided by the Gross Revenue.

Profit Bar Charts

Use the bar charts below each revenue stream pane for a visual comparison of the Displaced Profit and the Net Profit and to assess the overall profitability of accepting the group for the selected stay dates.

Room Displacement and Occupancy Forecast Details

Column Description

All occupancy dates impacted by the group stay, including pre- and post-stay dates.

Click a date link to view details. See Date Details below.

Day of Stay The numbered actual days of the group's stay.
Rooms The number of rooms occupied by the group on each Day of Stay
Displaced Rooms

The number of rooms that G3 RMS expects the group to displace, for the Day of Stay and by Room Class. These values are based on the current demand forecast for the date. The Displaced Rooms value considers the full Room Class inventory, even when running an evaluation only for specified room types.

The Pre-Stay value includes all displaced rooms that occur before the group's arrival date, within a default window of 30 days. The Post-Stay value includes displaced rooms that occur after the group's stay, within a default window of 30 days.

Incremental Rooms The number of rooms used by the group minus the Displaced Rooms. This value indicates the net gain (or loss) in number of rooms that will result if the property accepts the group.
Occupancy ForecastClosed The number of rooms (or percentage of the total number of rooms) that G3 RMS expects the property to achieve for the period. For the calculation, see the Demand and Wash - Overview topic (under Data Details). Without Group The constrained forecast of the occupancy, which G3 RMS expects the property to achieve if the group is not accepted for the arrival date.
Occupancy Forecast With Group The constrained forecast of the occupancy, which G3 RMS expects the property to achieve if the group is accepted for the arrival date. The G3 RMS group forecast includes future group business to come, based on the system’s calculations, but the system does not consider previous evaluations.

Date Details

Click the Date link for any group occupancy date to see a graphical view of how the occupancy forecast will change if you accept the group. A window opens that shows occupancy forecast data at the Forecast Group, transient and group business levels.

  • The bar chart on the left displays the occupancy forecast for each Forecast Group, both with and without the group, for the selected day of stay.
  • Bar charts on the right show current on books and compare the occupancy forecast for transient and group business, both with and without the group, for the selected day of stay.

Click outside the window to close it.

Function Space Details

Column Description
Date Each group day of stay, including pre- and post-Stay dates.
Day of Stay The numbered actual days of the group's stay.
Displaced Function Space Profit The Function Space profit that G3 RMS expects the group to displace if you accept the group for the date.
Utilization Forecast Without Group The Function Space utilization that G3 RMS expects you to achieve if you do not accept the group for the arrival date.
Utilization Forecast With Group The Function Space utilization that G3 RMS expects you to achieve if you accept the group for the arrival date. This value may exceed 100% due to overbooking of business that you can move.

Package Details

Column Description
Package Name The selected package name for single and double occupancy.
Total Delegates The total number of delegates and for single and double occupancy. Click the single or double value for the number of delegates to see the daily values.
Revenue Groups (Gross Revenue) The gross revenue (including commission) by revenue stream. For the revenue groups that are included in the package, it's calculated by multiplying the attendee number times the configured value. The value for Guest Room and, with Function Space, for Rental is the system's recommended value from the results.
Per Attendee/ Per Day Price The recommended package price per attendee and per day.
Revenue The sum of all the values in the Revenue Groups (Gross Revenue) section.
Profit The sum of the profit from the Revenue Groups, based on the profit percentages defined in Conference & Banquet.