System Date and Important Information

The System Date, in the top right corner of the page, displays the date and time of the last Processing, when data transfers last took place. If the System Date is not today’s date, then the system data is not current.

If you selected a Property Group View, the System Date is the earliest date for the property in the group that is the furthest behind the others for data transfer.

Important Information

Click Important Information to view the system's data status, time stamps for data updates and processing information for individual properties, as described below.

System Mode

System Mode indicates a property's status for receiving, populating, and sending data in G3 RMS. The first three statuses listed below occur when a G3 RMS property is set up. The final two occur when G3 RMS begins producing its forecast and decisions. The G3 RMS System Modes are the following:

System Mode Description
Data Capture Mode  During this set-up step, G3 RMS has received the property's data, but the data is not yet saved in the G3 RMS database. The System Date is today.
Data Mapping Mode During this set-up step, G3 RMS processes the historical data extracts in consecutive order and saves these data extracts. The System Date is a past date.
Data Population Mode During this set-up step, G3 RMS is processing the daily data extracts on a daily basis. The System Date is today.
Decision Creation Mode G3 RMS is producing forecasts and decisions but not sending them to selling systems. The System Date is today.
Decision Delivery Mode G3 RMS is producing forecasts and decisions and sending them to selling systems. The System Date is today.
System Paused Mode G3 RMS is no longer receiving daily data extractsClosed Files with new and changed booking data that G3 RMS receives from the reservation system. It includes reservations, group blocks, and inventory summary data. Also called Snapshots or Daily Extracts. and has not processed since the last extract was received. The System Date is when the last extract was received.
System Dormant Mode

G3 RMS is receiving extracts, but processing of these extracts is temporarily paused as it is carrying out a scheduled support activity. The System Date is when the last extract was processed.​​

Data Used for Forecasting and Optimization

Indicates whether G3 RMS is currently using Booked or Stayed room type data for forecasting and optimization purposes. For more information view Booked versus Stayed Data.

Build Type Description
Booked Room Type Data G3 RMS uses the room type that the guest initially booked for the reservation, even if the room type changed later. For example, a guest books a Standard room type and at check-in you upgrade the guest to a Suite. If the system uses Booked Room Type data, it knows that the booking represents demand for the booked room type, Standard, and not for the stayed room type, Suite.
Stayed Room Type Data G3 RMS uses the room type that the guest stayed in, even if the guest booked a different room type.

Subscription Bundle

IDeaS offers subscription bundles that differ based on the included G3 RMS features, for example, the number of intraday processingsClosed System updates that occur between nightly system updates. Also known as Current Day Processing or CDP. The number of daytime processings varies based on the selected subscription for the property. (IDP) or how many Linked Products you can upload. If your property subscribes to a bundle, its name displays. Otherwise you see Custom. If you have questions about your subscription, contact your IDeaS representative.

Build Type

The Build Type describes how much historical data is available when G3 RMS is built. Standard displays when your property has been using G3 RMS for longer than a year.

Build Type Description
Standard The system has more than one year of historical data available.
Limited Data Build The system temporarily uses a mix of available historical data and your projections. See Limited Data Build for more information.

RMS Currency Code:

The currency that G3 RMS uses to optimize and that your property sells at.

Rate Shopping Vendor

The name of the company that provides the rate shopping data to G3 RMS. The field is blank if no vendor is set up to send data to the system.

Important Dates

Dates and times display in the property time zone.

Event Description
System Date The date and time when G3 RMS received data from your property's Reservation SystemClosed The primary reservation system, like a PMS or CRS, that provides data to G3 RMS. The data from that one system is used by the RMS to forecast, optimize and produce controls. The controls are sent to all selling systems, which for some integrations may exclude the reservation system.. If G3 RMS does not receive data by a certain time in the morning, it triggers an Alert. You should contact your support representative.
Unqualified Rate Processed The date and time when the Unqualified Rate Data, the information about the primary priced product, was loaded into G3 RMS, if a transaction system makes this data available. This information does not display if your property is not sending unqualified rates to G3 RMS.
Transaction System This date and time will match the System Date and shows when G3 RMS received transaction data from your reservation system.
Transaction Data Population When the transaction data was loaded into G3 RMS.
Forecast The date and time when the forecasting process finished.
Control The date and time when decisions were processed.
Last Rate Shopping Extract

The date and time when G3 RMS last received web rate shopping data and displayed it in Pricing Management and Competitor Details.

The newest rate shopping data does not impact the forecast and decisions until G3 RMS includes it in an optimization.

Last Demand360 Date The date and time when G3 RMS last completed processing Demand360 data. You only see this information if your property subscribes to the Demand360 module.
Last Reputation Extract

The date and time when G3 RMS last received reputation data for use in the Reputation Quadrant and Reputation Performance charts.

This information displays only for properties subscribed to the Reputation Management module.

Last Limited Data Build Date For a Limited Data Build property, the date of the last process.