Booking Pace Report

Use the Booking Pace report to analyze the pace for an arrival date in detail, from property down to the market segment level, and to compare it to the Occupancy ForecastClosed The number of rooms (or percentage of the total number of rooms) that G3 RMS expects the property to achieve for the period. For the calculation, see the Demand and Wash - Overview topic (under Data Details).. For example, a Notification tells you that the pace for a date in nine months is far ahead of this year's pace, and 75% of your property is already booked. You want to investigate what type of business booked and when that business booked.

Note: for days closer in the future, consider the easier to use Pace Data tab in the Business Analysis dashboard. It displays 60 days of pace prior to the arrival date.

Reporting Steps

  1. Click , then Reports, and then Booking Pace.
  2. Click the Arrival Date. Enter a date or select an Arrival Date from the calendar, and click Apply.
  3. Enter the Maximum Days to Arrival. This value is the number of days of pace to display in the report. The maximum value that you can enter is the length of the forecast window that you set up.
  4. Select a Report By option for viewing data. All levels display the occupancy on books and Occupancy Forecast
  5. If applicable, select the Include Discontinued Room Types checkbox to include historical data for discontinued room types.
  6. Select the Remove Excluded Segments checkbox if you want the Occupancy metrics to exclude business from specific market segments. You must define your excluded market segments in Manage Property Information.
  7. Select a report Format:
    • Select On Screen to open the report in a new browser window. Use the paging arrows on the top of the window to page through multiple windows of data.
    • Select Excel to open or save the report as an Excel spreadsheet.
  8. Click Generate.

See Exporting and Printing Reports for more information about managing report downloads in your browser.

Investigating Pace using the Booking Pace Report

  1. Run the report using the Total Groups & Transient option after entering the Max Days to Arrival with the required number of days of pace information:
    • Review the Occupancy on Books - Total column to see the overall pace on the property level. This column shows the total rooms sold as the Capture Date for the selected Arrival Date.
    • Review the Occupancy on Books - Group and Occupancy on Books -Transient columns to drill down to the business type level.
    • Review the different Occupancy Forecast columns to see the relationship between booking pace and the system's forecast. Since G3 RMS expects a certain pace for each Forecast Group, a change in Rooms Sold does not necessarily mean a change in forecast. Equally, a change in Occupancy Forecast could be triggered by other factors than pace, like wash, competitor prices, or Out of Order rooms.
    • Variances between Hotel Capacity and Available Capacity tell you if Out of Order rooms impacted the forecast.
  1. If, after reviewing the pace on the Total Groups & Transient level, you want to investigate the pace in more detail, run the report at a more detailed level, for example by Forecast Groups. At the Room Class level, Authorized Capacity helps you understand how overbooking impacts pace. For example, you stopped selling because Occupancy On Books reached Authorized Capacity.

Data Details

The report displays the following information. The data varies based on the level selected in the Report By option.

Column Description
Days to Arrival The number of days prior to the selected Arrival Date that data was captured.
Day of Week The day of the week for which data was captured.
Capture Date The date on which the pace data for the Arrival Date was captured.
Authorized Capacity The Effective Capacity (physical capacity minus Out of Order rooms) plus Overbooking.
Effective Capacity The hotel's physical capacity minus the out of order rooms.
Occupancy On Books The total number of rooms sold for the selected Arrival Date as of the capture date. The data displays for the level selected in Report By.
Occupancy Forecast The number of rooms that the property is expected to achieve for the selected level and Arrival Date, as of the capture date.
Occupancy Forecast - % The percentage of sold rooms that the property is expected to achieve for the selected level and Arrival Date, as of the capture date.
Physical Capacity The physical or fixed number of rooms available at the property.
Available Capacity The hotel's physical capacity minus the out of order rooms.

Scenarios for Data Discrepancies

If you have questions about differences in the data between G3 RMS and other systems, review one of the following topics:

Last Year's Booking Pace is Missing

This scenario applies if you're in your first year of system implementation, and your reservation system provides incomplete historical data. When that occurs, last year's pace looks like a blue triangle with a straight line from zero days to arrival to the final occupancy for the monitored period. For more information, review Pace Data Missing for Last Year.

Data Differences between Reporting Levels

If you have questions about variations in data between different levels, for example, between the property and Forecast Group levels or pickup between rate code market segment level, see Data Level Differences.

Pace Data Differs between G3 RMS and Daily Extracts

If you find data variations between same time last year (STLY) in G3 RMS and other systems, see Pace Differences.

Pace Data Differs between IDeaS Systems

If you're transitioning from IDeaS RMS to G3 RMS, review Pace Differences between IDeaS Systems.