Function Space Demand Calendar

The Utilization data on the Demand Calendar helps you evaluate dates for a potential group and to decide if you need to change the forecast or the Function Only Business status. Review the heat map calendar to get a quick look at demand for the next six months, or view the details at monthly and daily levels. Click a date in the monthly calendar to drill down to more details, like Day Part or last year's data.

The Utilization values represent the percentage of the total function space that is on books or forecasted. The calendars are color-coded based on low, medium or high utilization ranges, which you define in Forecast Levels. For past dates, the utilization represents the actual values achieved.

Calendar Steps

Accessing the Demand Calendar

Click and then Demand Calendar.

Using the Calendar Heat Map

The Heat Map is a six-month calendar at the top of the Demand Calendar page. Color-coding for each day represents the Utilization Forecast, see Data Details for details. The color-coding allows you to quickly see high and low utilization periods so you know where to drive potential business.

Several actions are available in the Heat Maps:

  • Point to a date in the calendars to see the Forecasted Utilization for the date.
  • Click the left arrow or right arrow icons to scroll through past or future months.
  • Click a month in the Heat Maps to display that month in the Demand Calendar.

Changing the Calendar Dates

  • Click the left arrow or right arrow icons to view the previous or next month.
  • Click the date selector and click a different month in the same year to display.
  • Click the date selector, then click the left arrow or right arrow icons to change the year and click the month to display.

Data Details

Calendar Days

Click a date on the Demand Calendar to display details for the date in a window. In this view, you can see the Utilization Forecast by Day Part and view the demand forecast for guest rooms.

Detail Description
Function Space Summary
Indivisible Rooms Booked The total number of unique indivisible rooms booked for the day. If a combination room is booked, this total includes all its indivisible parts. Click the link to view a list of unique indivisible rooms booked by Day Part.
Utilization Forecast % The Utilization Forecast percentage and status for each Day Part. For current and future dates, click an Open, Evaluate or Closed status link to launch a New Evaluation for the date.
Guest Room Summary
Occupancy Actual Group The number of rooms on books for groups for the day.
Transient The number of rooms on books for transient business for the day.
Total The total number of group and transient rooms booked for the day and the booked occupancy percentage.
Forecast Group The forecasted number of group rooms for the day, for current and future dates.
Transient The forecasted number of transient rooms for the day.
Total The total group and transient rooms forecasted for the day and the forecasted occupancy percentage.
Special Events
  Name The name of each Special Event scheduled for the date.
Guest Room Event Indicates that you expect transient guest room business to differ from normal patterns during the Special Event. See Add Special Events for more information.
  Function Space Event Indicates that you expect function space business to differ from normal patterns during the Special Event. See Add Special Events for more information.

Last Year

Click the Last Year link on the bottom of the daily summary window to view a slide out of actuals for the same day last year, adjusted by day of week, to compare to current data.

Detail Description
Function Space Summary
Indivisible Rooms Booked The total number of unique indivisible rooms that were booked for the day last year. Click the link to view a list of indivisible rooms booked by Day Part.
Utilization % Actual The actual Function Space utilization percentage by Day Part.
Guest Room Summary
Occupancy Actual Same Time Last Year Group The group guest rooms on books for the same number of days to arrival last year, for current and future dates.
Transient The transient guest rooms on books for the same number of days to arrival last year.
Total The total group and transient guest rooms on books and the booked occupancy percentage for the same number of days to arrival last year.
Occupancy Actual Group The group guest room occupancy achieved for the same day last year.
Transient The transient guest room occupancy achieved for the same day last year.
Total The total group and transient guest room occupancy achieved for the same day last year and the achieved occupancy percentage.
Special Events
  Name The names of the Special Events scheduled for the same day last year.
  Guest Room Event Indicates that you expected transient guest room business to differ from normal patterns during the Special Event last year.
  Function Space Event Indicates that you expected function space business to differ from normal patterns during the Special Event last year.

Data in Business Summary

The Business Summary in the left pane displays information for the selected month.

Day Part Configuration

Day Part Configuration displays the Day Parts that you set to include in the forecast and their begin times.

Monthly Summary

The Monthly Summary displays Utilization forecast and on books data for the selected month, either current or future, and as of the System Date:

Detail Description
Utilization Forecast The system or user Utilization Forecast for the selected month. The total percentage for the month is an average of the forecast for the Day Parts of all days, weighted based on the number of hours that each Day Part represents. The Utilization Forecast considers pace and the percentage of each group status that is likely to materialize, based on three years of historical data. This value only includes function rooms that you set to Include in Function Rooms Configuration.
Utilization On Books The percentage of function space area that is on books for the selected month. The total percentage for the month is an average of the Day Parts of all days, weighted based on the number of hours that each Day Part represents. This value includes definite and tentative reservations and only includes function rooms that you set to Include in Function Rooms Configuration.
Open The number of function rooms in the month with a status of Open. See Data in the Demand Calendar above for more information about this status.
Closed The number of function rooms in the month with a status of Closed. See Data in the Demand Calendar above for more information about this status.
Evaluate The number of function rooms in the month with a status of Evaluate. See Data in the Demand Calendar above for more information about this status.

Month to Date Summary Average

Month to Date Summary records average utilization, revenue and profit values for past dates. For the current month, it includes all days of the month before the current system date. For past months, it applies to all days of the month. Space values are measured per square meters or feet (depending on your Unit of Measurement setup).

Available space and occupied space metrics include the function space you set up to be revenue managed by the system. Time is measured in Day Parts.

The RevPAST and ProPAST data indicate how efficiently you are using your available space to maximize revenue and profits. The RevPOST and ProPOST data indicate how much revenue and profit you are earning for occupied space. See Function Space Metrics for more information about these measurements.

Note: If these values look smaller than you expect, remember that they are calculated per square meter or foot.

Detail Description
Utilization The percentage of actual average function space utilization for the selected period. For the current month, the value is month to date. For past months, the value includes the entire month. The percentage is an average of the Day Parts of all days of the time period, weighted based on the number of hours that each Day Part represents. This value only includes function rooms that you set to Include in Function Rooms Configuration.
RevPOST The average revenue per occupied space time.
RevPAST The average revenue per available space time.
ProPOST The average profit per occupied space time.
ProPAST The average profit per available space time.