Pricing Summary

The Pricing Summary helps you understand why G3 RMS selected a specific pricing decision for a single Room Class and occupancy date. Use the data to quickly review key inputs to the pricing decisions, including the impact of your own setup.

Steps to Review

You can access the Summary tab in two ways:

  • Click the Summary icon for an occupancy date
  • Click the Final Price value for a room type and click the Summary tab


Chart Interactions

  • Point to elements in the charts, like bubbles or rings, to see numerical values.
  • Click an item in the legend to hide the item from the chart. Click it again to restore it.
  • In the Competitors bubble chart, click and drag over an area of the chart to zoom in. Click Reset zoom to reset the view.

Data Details

Pricing Explanation

In most cases, G3 RMS presents the data for your review. But the system considers some data conditions so meaningful that it points them out to you with an icon and a short explanation at the top of the window, for example:

  • When the system selects the highest possible pricing decision. If you observe this condition repeatedly, it might mean that you need to expand your price range setup.
  • When the system selects a pricing decision that does not meet the Minimum Price Differential for this Room Class. It means that your pricing setup and price ranking do not allow G3 RMS to select a value that meets the Minimum Price Differential.

Learn More about Pricing Calculations

How G3 RMS Determines Pricing


The Competitors bubble chart shows you the relationship between your price, the range of rates that you provided to the system, your competitors' pricing, the LRV and the Historical Price (Projections BAR for Limited Data Build properties). If many competitor rates overlap and make it hard to view the data, zoom in by clicking and dragging to define the area you want to see. Click Reset Zoom to return to the default view.

The chart includes the following data:

Data Description

The price for each competitor's lowest priced room type, using the mapped Room Class from Room Class Mapping in Rate Shopping setup. G3 RMS shows the competitors that you select as Use Rate Shopping Data or Use in Competitive Market Position Constraint in Competitor Settings.

My Price This price is either your Final PriceClosed The value of the pricing decision that G3 RMS sends to the selling systems. Final Price is derived from the system's Optimal Price, after applying rounding rules, offsets and supplements (if applicable). Final Price also includes your configured tax value, if you are using tax-inclusive (VAT) pricing. or an override value if you set a Specific Override for the date.
Floor and Ceiling These values are either the Floor and Ceiling values from Pricing setup or override values, if you set a Floor or Ceiling Override. Floor and Ceiling help you understand the range of prices available to G3 RMS for the date and if you correctly shared your pricing strategy with G3 RMS through your setup.

The Last Room Value for the date and Room Class.

The LRV is an expression of the demand conditions that led to the pricing decision. Keep in mind that, while the system calculates LRV for each occupancy date, it finds an optimal mix of demand that results in the maximum revenue for a whole set of days rather than each individual night. For example, the system might be very restrictive for a peak night that has more demand than capacity to direct demand to shoulder nights that do not have enough demand to sell out.

Historical Price

The median rate of your BAR business from the same time and same period last year. This can be a useful reference point to compare the pricing decisions to, since G3 RMS considers Historical Price pricing as an input. However, the system doesn’t use this specific value since its calculations are too complex to be represented by any single value.

This value uses reservations with the market segment attribute Equal to Base Product and from five weeks and the same day of week last year, excluding Special Event days.

If the selected date is part of a recurring Special Event, G3 RMS uses the most recent past instance of the Special Event. If there is no past instance of the Special Event, the system uses the usual reference days for the same period last year.

Projections BAR

Only displays for properties with a Limited Data Build. Projections BAR is the median rate value of your BAR business that you entered in the Projections tab. This value can be a useful reference point to compare the pricing decisions to, since G3 RMS considers the ADR from your BAR Projections as an input. However, the system doesn’t use the Projections BAR value since its BAR calculations are too complex to be represented by any single value.

The value uses the Projections for market segments attributed as Equal to Base Product. And it uses the median of the same occupancy date and the two weeks before and after, all for the same day of week.

Note that your projections are by property level, and G3 RMS distributes them to the Room Classes. Therefore, the Projections BAR for the selected Room Class might differ from your expectations.

For properties in countries with Tax-inclusive PricingClosed Tax-inclusive pricing applies in countries where quoted and booked prices have to include taxes like a Value-Added Tax (VAT) or Goods and Services Tax (GST). If you are not in a country with tax-inclusive pricing, taxes are added to pricing only at the point of payment. In G3 RMS, tax-inclusive pricing is enabled and configured in Property Specific Configuration., the values for My Price, Floor and Ceiling, Historical Price (Projections BAR for Limited Data Build properties) and the Competitor Price include the tax percentage that you set up.

Learn More about Pricing Influences

Rate Shopping Data Overview

Last Room Value

Sharing Your Pricing Strategy with G3 RMS

Competitive Market Position Constraints

If your property has set up Competitive Market Position Constraints, this setting displays in green and you see the constraint value. If you don't use constraints, you see None.

Pricing Pace - Last 30 Days

The Pricing Pace chart shows your pricing decision as of each nightly processing for the last 30 days. Use the chart to understand how your price has changed over a 30-day period. If you use Rate Shopping, you can compare the change to how your competitors' prices have changed over the same period.

The Pricing Pace chart shows the following data:

Data Description
My Price Your property's pricing decision for each day from the last 30 days through the current day.
Competitors Average Your competitors' average price from the last 30 days, for comparison to your property's pricing pace. Your property must be using Rate Shopping with mapped Room Classes to have the competitors' data available.

The average comes from the default channel from Channel Settings, considering any seasonal setup . It includes:

  • LOS1 shopped rates
  • Rate Adjustments from Rate Shopping setup, if you enabled supplements or your prices include room revenue tax
  • The lowest priced competitive room type for each Room Class from the default channel
  • Only competitors that are selected for use in Competitor Settings
  • Only Room Classes that have a competitor room type assigned

Occupancy Forecast

When you disagree with a pricing decision, your first step should be to review the demand forecast for that period. That is because the volume and value of all demand versus capacity is a primary input into the system's pricing decision. The Occupancy Forecast chart shows occupancy on books, and the unconstrained and constrained forecasted occupancy, all compared to capacity. You can select to view the data either at the property level or at the Room Class level.

The Occupancy Forecast chart shows the following data:

Data Description
Preceding Days of Week

The percentage increase or decrease in the booking pace compared to the same day of the week from the five prior weeks. The value shows how you are pacing compared to the same day of the week.

For example, the number of rooms on books for arrival date Saturday December 29 compared against the average on books of the previous Saturdays, December 22, 15, 8, 1 and November 24. Note that Special Event days are excluded, so if November 24 was a Special Event the system adds November 17 to the comparison group.

Year on Year

The percentage increase or decrease in the booking pace compared to the same arrival date last year, adjusted to the same day of the week. The value shows how you are pacing compared to last year.

For example, the number of rooms on books for arrival date Saturday December 29 this year compared against the on books for Saturday December 30 last year, as of the same number of days prior to arrival.

Effective Capacity The Physical CapacityClosed The total number of guest rooms at a property, including out of order rooms. minus out of order rooms
Authorized Capacity Effective Capacity plus Overbooking.
On Books The number of rooms, split into transient and group, that have already booked against the property's physical capacity.
Total Demand

The combination of On Books and remaining unconstrained demand helps you understand if you have more demand than capacity.

Occupancy Forecast The forecasted constrained occupancy shows you if there is enough constrained demand to fill the property's effective capacity. It helps you understand if the property is expected to fill and if out of order rooms are constraining its ability to fill.

Learn More about Reviewing the Forecast

Investigator - Forecast

Occupancy Demand by Price

This chart shows the Occupancy DemandClosed The remaining price-able unconstrained demand that will stay over an occupancy date in the future. It is limited to market segments that are impacted by pricing changes (all unqualified and all linked qualified market segments) and only applies to the selected Room Class or Room Type. for the Optimal Price, or the system's selected price point, compared to the demand for the neighboring higher and lower price points. The chart helps you understand how the price sensitivity of the demand is influencing the system’s pricing decision. A steep curve shows that price sensitivity is very elastic. A shallow curve shows that price sensitivity is inelastic.

The chart shows the following data:

Data Description
Final Price The pricing decision sent to the selling system.
Impacted by The pricing setup, like rounding rules and supplements, that caused the difference between the Optimal Price and the Final Price.
Optimal Price The pricing decision for BAR (or your name for the primary priced productClosed Main pricing decision that G3 RMS optimizes. Usually this is the lowest non-restricted product with flexible cancellation policy that anyone can book. The default name is Best Available Rate (BAR), but you can change it in Pricing Configuration.) that is the output of optimization. See Pricing Data for more information.
Other Price Points The chart shows the demand for four neighboring price points. Typically, the price points are the next two below and next two above Optimal Price . Fewer price points may show above or below if they are not available.

Learn More about Occupancy Demand by Price

Price Sensitivity