
Exceptions warn you about situations where the current method of managing revenue is not optimal and might cause you to lose revenue. Resolve Exceptions daily as part of your regular tasks.

For example, G3 RMS warns you when Out of Order rooms might displace demand. Or when you might sell the primary priced product values that are lower than the yieldable rates that the LRVClosed Last Room Value (LRV) is a control that blocks lower-valued yieldable business when G3 RMS thinks that your property might sell out. LRV ensures that you accept only the most valuable demand. For example, an LRV of $150 means that guests can book a Flexible Rate product at $160, but not a discounted PrePay&Save product at $140. G3 RMS optimizes LRV by Room Class. controls.

What Help Do You Need With Exceptions?

  • I want to see the details of each Exceptions and the reason it was triggered.

  • I want an overview of the Information Manager.

  • I need to understand the scoring for Exceptions and which I should resolve first.

  • I need to know the steps to resolve Exceptions.

Steps to Resolve

The details about an Exception provide instructions and links that direct you to other areas of G3 RMS where you can resolve the Exception.

Exception Details

The table below describes each Exception, explains why it's triggered, and provides you with steps and recommendations to resolve it.

Title Description Why the Exception is Triggered Steps to Resolve It
Costly Out-of-Order (OOO) Rooms

At the Room Class level, more than 3% of your rooms are out of order and the Last Room Value (LRV) is above zero.

Contact IDeaS support if you want to change the LRV threshold of zero.

The Exception means that you have more demand than capacity, excluding the out of order rooms. Thus, the out of order rooms displace some demand, shown as Estimated Revenue Displacement (LRV * out of order rooms, up to the number of rooms of remaining demand).

If more than 20% of the property’s inventory is out of order for more than seven consecutive days, for example, due to a renovation, create a case. See periods of restricted inventory for more information.

  • Click the links to go to other pages where you can review the Remaining Demand. Then investigate if the rooms need to be out of order.
  • Select Decide if the Out of Order rooms ... if the rooms can be placed into service again. To continue monitoring, select Make no changes ....
  • If the rooms must remain out of order, and you don't want to see the Exception every day, select Suspend ....
  • To see the Exception only if the condition worsens, select Suspend and monitor, resume .... For example, for an upcoming renovation 10 rooms are out of order. With this option you know if more rooms are placed out of order.
Ignored Market Position Constraint due to not enough data

G3 RMS ignored a Competitive Market Position Constraint because the rate shop contains fewer prices than the minimum required.

If G3 RMS ignores your constraint, for example to price above all competitors, you might have to override the price to achieve your pricing goal.

Follow one of the links to review your pricing. Then resolve the exception:

  • Use the I have reviewed the decision... option to have the system continue to monitor for this date and Room Class.

  • Use the Suspend... option to not get another exception for the same date and Room Class.

Lack of Straight Line Availability

G3 RMS checks if a room type is available for stays of more than one night. If the room type is available for the next 7 nights, then G3 RMS considers that the associated Room Class has straight line, or stay-through, availability for this period and starts to check the next 7-day period, through the end of the forecast window.

If no room type in the same Room Class can be sold for a length of stay between 2 and 7 nights, even though that Room Class has continuous availability considering all room types for the same period, G3 RMS triggers this Exception.

The occupancy date displayed for the Exception refers to the date without straight line availability.

For example, G3 RMS checks the period starting on the first day of the month. It finds that a two-night and three-night stay are available, but a four-night stay is not. In that case, the Exception refers to the fourth day of the month.

The Exception helps you monitor your inventory to ensure that all room types remain available for multiple night stays.

For example, your Standard Room Class contains two room types: Queen and King. For Tuesday, you only have one Queen left available to sell, for Wednesday, only one King.

In this case, a guest who wants to book a Standard room for Tuesday for two nights sees no availability for your property, even though you have availability at the Room Class level.

You are likely missing revenue opportunities, and it may be more profitable to upgrade or move one Standard Queen reservation on Wednesday to a King, to free up availability for two nights in the Standard Queen.

Click to View the Straight Line Availability Report and review room type availability for the days around the impacted occupancy date and for the impacted Room Class. This changes the status to Investigated.

If appropriate, change the room types of existing reservations to restore straight line availability. Then select:

  • I have reviewed room type availability ... to resolve the Exception. G3 RMS continues to monitor this Room Class and Occupancy for stay-through availability.

  • Suspend the notification on this date if you don't want G3 RMS to repeat the Exception every day, for example, because you know that you can't restore straight line availability.
Pricing Override is Below the Last Room Value (LRV) You set either a Specific or a Ceiling Pricing Override, but the LRV for the same arrival date and, if applicable, Room Class and length of stay, increased. The possible negative impact varies based on what rates are controlled by the LRV:

  1. If your price is not controlled by LRV: you may be selling prices that are lower than the rates controlled by LRV, leading to revenue dilution.
  • Click the linked text to go to the Business Analysis Dashboard or the Pricing Management page to review if you still need the override. Often, the pricing override was placed under different conditions and can now be removed or revised.
  • A specific pricing override impacts the systems other decisions and restricts its ability to optimize revenue. If you are certain you know something G3 RMS does not know, review all other considerations like Demand, Wash, Price Setup, Competitor Pricing, other overrides, and Special Events before overriding pricing.
  • We recommend that you influence the system's forecast through a Demand or Wash Override rather than change its controls with a more restrictive pricing override.
  • If you are certain that a pricing override is necessary, consider a Floor versus a Specific override. With a Floor override, G3 RMS can optimize the pricing decision, and it will not trigger an Exception.
  • If the Exception is triggered by a Ceiling override and impacts many dates, consider setting up a season in Ceiling/Floor to restrict the availability of pricing above the Ceiling.
  • Select Make no changes to the system if you resolved the Exception earlier in the day, prior to viewing Exceptions.
  • Avoid selecting Suspend the exception. This Exception points to revenue dilution, and you should be able to find another solution, as suggested above.