Configuration Overview

Configuration means how you set up G3 RMS. In Help, we usually refer to setup instead of configuration. The setup is an important input to how G3 RMS forecasts and optimizes. An optimal setup that matches your property's unique characteristics helps G3 RMS create the best possible forecasts and decisions. Some of the initial setup might be completed for you.

Imported Data

G3 RMS imports some information about your property from your Reservation SystemClosed The primary reservation system, like a PMS or CRS, that provides data to G3 RMS. The data from that one system is used by the RMS to forecast, optimize and produce controls. The controls are sent to all selling systems, which for some integrations may exclude the reservation system., including:

  • Market segments
  • Room types
  • Property codes
  • Local currency


Through your setup, you share information about your property with G3 RMS. The following list shows setup options in alphabetical order. They vary by importance, for example, G3 RMS can't produce forecasts and decisions until Rooms Configuration is complete. Others, like Business Views, are optional but make your daily work with the system easier. And some, like Limited Data Build, apply only in certain cases.

If you complete the initial setup, follow the instructions in the IDeaS learning system, Discover. Note that G3 RMS can complete some setup steps for you based on historical data and future bookings, for example, your Ceiling and Floor pricing.

If your property is already set up, you need to keep the information current. If you are new to this, use the setup checklist in the Resources on the right.

Feature Description
Budget and My Forecast Use this functionality if you want to add your property's budget and forecast data into G3 RMS. In the system's dashboards and reports, you can compare performance against the values that you budgeted and forecasted.
Business Views Business Views include Corporate Business Views, Inventory Groups, and Property Business Views. Each provides a different way to control how you view your data in the system's dashboards.
Channel Costs In this menu, you provide G3 RMS with the cost for acquiring business through your booking sources or channels. You can compare those costs to other key performance indicators in the Business Insights dashboard.
Fiscal Calendar For some clients, their financial reporting period doesn't follow the standard twelve-month calendar. If that applies to you, use the Fiscal Calendar to define a non-standard, twelve-period fiscal calendar.
Group Pricing To use Group Evaluations, you must first set up the range of rates, costs, and revenue streams for the groups. The setup impacts the evaluation results, for example the recommended rate.
Group Status Codes G3 RMS receives Group Status Codes from your Reservation SystemClosed The primary reservation system, like a PMS or CRS, that provides data to G3 RMS. The data from that one system is used by the RMS to forecast, optimize and produce controls. The controls are sent to all selling systems, which for some integrations may exclude the reservation system.. You must map those reservation system codes to a G3 RMS group status type. This mapping tells G3 RMS which group blocks to deduct or not to deduct from inventory.

Limited Data Build

Use Limited Data Build only if your property has less than 365 days or no historical data. With a Limited Data Build, these properties benefit from G3 RMS forecasts and decisions without a long wait.
Market Segments Assigning attributes to your market segments is a critical setup step. Attributes describe the behavior of market segments. They help G3 RMS group similar business together into Forecast Groups. After you complete Market Segments setup, you create and commit Forecast Groups. G3 RMS determines which market segments to combine into Forecast Groups, based on both attributes and booking patterns. The system then provides forecasts and decisions based on Forecast Groups.
Mass BAR Use the Mass BAR option to set up your Rate Plans and Rate Details using an Excel workbook. If you have a high number of BAR levels or seasons, Mass BAR might be faster than using Rate Plan setup.
Notifications Notifications inform you when key system values change or reach a specific value. Examples include when pricing changes by a large amount or when the Occupancy Forecast reaches 90%. Notifications ensure that you know what the system knows. Set them up to tell you about significant data conditions.

First, create Roles that define access to system modules and specific functionality within those modules. Next, create accounts for G3 RMS Users. Add users' names and email addresses, then assign them a role and give them access to properties. If you have access to multiple properties, use Authorization Group Management to group properties together. That enables you to give users access to multiple properties at the same time.

Pricing This setup defines the price range that G3 RMS can choose for the primary priced product decisions. You also set up rounding rules for pricing and setting pricing offsets for other occupancy types.
Property Attributes To differentiate multiple properties, you can create and assign attributes (for example, Country, Region and Type of Hotel). You can create Property Groups and Authorization Groups (see Permissions) based on these attributes. For example, you might want a Property Group that includes all your airport hotels in a certain country.
Property Groups Use Property Groups to view combined data for multiple properties, for example in the At a Glance Dashboard. You can also use them to enter a Group Pricing Evaluation for a group of properties.
Property Specific Manage your property's name and optional optimization settings, like Cancel/Re-Book Percentage. If you are in a country with Tax-Inclusive PricingClosed Tax-inclusive pricing applies in countries where quoted and booked prices have to include taxes like a Value-Added Tax (VAT) or Goods and Services Tax (GST). If you are not in a country with tax-inclusive pricing, taxes are added to pricing only at the point of payment. In G3 RMS, tax-inclusive pricing is enabled and configured in Property Specific Configuration., you also define the room tax percentage here.
Rate Shopping In Rate Shopping setup, you control how G3 RMS uses competitive rate information. It includes steps to manage how channels display in the system and which competitors' prices impact your pricing decisions.
Restrictions To convert LRVClosed Last Room Value (LRV) is a control that blocks lower-valued yieldable business when G3 RMS thinks that your property might sell out. LRV ensures that you accept only the most valuable demand. For example, an LRV of $150 means that guests can book a Flexible Rate product at $160, but not a discounted PrePay&Save product at $140. G3 RMS optimizes LRV by Room Class. into MinLOS or FPLOS restrictions, G3 RMS needs to know the value of your yieldable rate codes. If your reservation system does not send that information to G3 RMS, you add it in Restriction Configuration.
Rooms Use Rooms Configuration to tell G3 RMS how to manage your room types. It consists of multiple steps: mapping your room types to Room Classes, defining your Cost of Walk and your overbooking rules, and setting a Room Class structure for pricing hierarchy and upgrades.
Special Events Special Events are dates when transient business differs from normal patterns. Managing Special Events is a key input that helps G3 RMS produce the best possible forecast and decisions.
Vendor Integration Mapping Sometimes, the room types and rate codes in the selling systems don't match the ones in G3 RMS. In that case, G3 RMS can't send decisions to the selling systems. You can use Vendor Integration Mapping to tell G3 RMS which codes match. When G3 RMS sends decisions, it can then apply decisions to the correct rate codes and room types in the selling systems.