Status Codes

Properties with an integration to their sales and catering system (like Delphi) use this tab to define the Status Codes from that system. For example, if group blocks with a Tentative status are on books, deducting inventory from the available capacity.

Information about non-deducting groups from the sales and catering system combined with information about deducting groups from the reservation system (defined in Group Status Codes) help G3 RMS improve its forecast of group business, see group forecasting for details. With Function Space enabled, the data about non-deducting groups also improves the forecast of function room demand.

Setup Steps

  1. Click , then Decisions, and then Group Pricing Configuration.
    If you use Function Space, click and then Configuration.
  2. Click Status Codes. A table with your Sales and Catering Group Status Codes displays.
  3. For each status code, select the checkbox that describes its behavior:
    • Deducts Inventory: group blocks with this status are on books, reducing the available capacity.

    • Final: groups with this status can't change to another status anymore. Examples are Definite, Cancelled, or Lost. Prospect is not a final status since it can become Tentative, Definite or Cancelled.

    • Tentative: a status that might change to Deducts Inventory, for example, Prospect or Unconfirmed. For groups with this status, G3 RMS calculates the probability of changing to Deducts Inventory.

    • Prospectwith Function Space, groups with this status are included in the data on the Forecast Review page, if you clicked to display Utilization On Books with Prospects.

    Note: Leave a status code unchecked if none of these options apply. For example, if a code like Option or Inquiry defines a status before a group turns Prospect and then Tentative.

  4. Click Save.