Multiday Demand Overrides

Use the Multiday Override by Occupancy Date to share information with G3 RMS about the remaining demand for a longer period and when you expect normal length of stay patterns. G3 RMS distributes your change in demand to the different lengths of stay, based on the observed patterns. To share demand information for a specific length of stay, use Multiday Demand Override by Arrival by LOS.

Note: Due to their large impact, use multiday overrides with caution. Review this Best Practice for more guidance.

Override Steps

  1. Click and then Demand and Wash.
  2. Navigate to the month in the calendar view that contains the dates for the override. Learn how to change your calendar view.
  3. Click Multiday Overrides.
  4. Find the Forecast Group for the override.
    You can locate the rates codes or market segments associated with each Forecast Group. For example, you may want to share your knowledge about the remaining demand of a particular rate code through a demand override, but you do not know the Forecast Group in which to find the rate code:
    • To identify the rates codes within a Forecast Groups:
      • Select the rate code from the Search Rate Code menu.
      • A green check mark identifies the Forecast Group that is associated with the rate code.
    • To identify the market segments associated with a Forecast Group:
      • Click the linked name of the Forecast Group. A window displays the market segments that make up the Forecast Group.
      • Click the open icon for a market segment to view the rate codes in the market segment.
  5. Select the Start  Date and End Date for the overrides. Your selection is limited to the two months that are visible on the calendar.
  6. Select each Day of Week for which you want to apply overrides.
  7. The following information displays. Use the Percentage fields to enter overrides.
Data Description
Forecast Group (Non-Block and Block)

A list of Non-Block and Block Type Forecast GroupsClosed Block type forecast groups are booked through blocks and refer mostly to group business. An exception would be transient wholesale business that has contracted a number of blocked rooms per day.. Click the open icon to view Room Classes in the Forecast Group.

In the rare case that you have knowledge about the remaining demand by Room Class, you can add overrides at the Room Class level. Otherwise, G3 RMS distributes your override value at the Forecast Group level to the different Room Classes, based on its calculation of expected demand by Room Class.

or An Occupancy Date icon or Arrival LOS icon displays if an override already exists for the selected date and Forecast Group. Click the icon to see the dates and Room Classes with the override. To add a different override, first remove the existing one by clicking the delete icon on the Occupancy Date or Arrival by LOS tab.
Percentage - Forecast Group level

Enter a percentage for the demand override to adjust the remaining demand for the period at the Forecast Group level. Select Increase if the system value is too low. Select Decrease if the system value is too high. The percentage is added or subtracted based on the remaining demand that G3 RMS forecasts.

At the Forecast Group level, G3 RMS distributes your override value to the Room Classes, based on its calculation of expected demand by Room Class.

The option to enter a Forecast Group level override is not available after you apply an override at the Room Class level. In this case, the total Remaining Demand value for the date reflects the Room Class level changes.

Percentage - Room Class level

In the rare instance that you have such detailed knowledge about the remaining demand, adjust it for the period at the Forecast Group and Room Class level. Enter a percentage for the Forecast Group and Room Class combination for which you want to increase or decrease the Remaining Demand.

Use one of the following methods:

  • Apply a percentage increase or decrease at the Forecast Group level. G3 RMS distributes your override value to the Room Classes. Click the open icon for the Forecast Group and change the remaining demand value for the required Room Class.
  • Click the open icon for the Forecast Group. Enter a percentage in the row for the required Room Class.

The option to enter a Forecast Group level override is not available after you apply an override at the Room Class level. The Remaining Demand value for the date reflects the Room Class level changes.

Action Click the delete icon for the Forecast Group or Room Class to delete a demand override. To change an override, first delete the existing override, then add a new override.
  1. Click the notes icon to explain why you enter the override. This helps during your regular reviews of your overrides. This icon indicates that a note exists.
  2. Click Apply. The unsaved changes icon in the calendar indicate the dates when you want to add or remove overrides.
  3. Click What If to see the results of adding or removing the overrides on Occupancy, Pricing, LRV, and Overbooking using What If.
  4. Click Save to make your changes final.