Multiday Demand Override by Arrival by LOS

Use Multiday Overrides by Arrival by LOS to share information with G3 RMS about demand that impacts only a specific length of stay (LOS) and a longer period. For example, you know that an upcoming promotion impacts the demand for arrivals in July and August and only for stays longer than three nights.

Note: Due to their large impact, use multiday overrides with caution. Review this Best Practice for more guidance.

Override Steps

  1. Click and then Demand and Wash.
  2. Navigate to the month in the calendar view that contains the dates for the override. Learn how to change your calendar view.
  3. Click Multiday Overrides.
  4. Click Override by Arrival by LOS.
  5. Select the impacted Forecast Group.
  6. In the rare case that you have knowledge about the remaining demand by Room Class, select a Room Class. Otherwise, G3 RMS distributes your override value at the Forecast Group level to the Room Classes, based on its calculation of expected demand by Room Class.
  7. Select the Start  Date and End Date for the overrides. Your selection is limited to the two months that are visible on the calendar.
  8. Select each Day of Week for which you want to apply overrides.
  9. The following information displays:
Data Description
LOS The lengths of stay or extended stay groupings for the property.
An Arrival LOS icon displays if an override already exists for the selected date and Forecast Group. Click the icon to see the affected Room Class.
Demand Override Percentage

Enter a percentage value for the appropriate LOS. Select Increase if the system value is too low. Select Decrease if the system value is too high. The percentage is added or subtracted based on the remaining demand that G3 RMS forecasts.

Action Click the delete icon for the LOS to delete an Arrival by LOS override.
  1. Click the notes icon to explain why you enter the override. This helps during your regular reviews of your overrides. This icon indicates that a note exists.
  2. Click Apply. The unsaved changes icon in the calendar indicate the dates when you want to add or remove overrides. The What If and Save buttons become enabled.
  3. Click What If to see the results of adding or removing the overrides using What If.
  4. Click Save to make your changes final.