Pricing Override History Report

Generate or schedule the Pricing Override History report to investigate a current pricing override in more detail. For example: 

  • You question a pricing override and know from the Output Override Report who added it and when. Run the report to learn if the current override was a one-time correction or the last of many overrides for this date.

  • You wonder about the unusual pace of a past date. Use this report to see if a pricing override was the cause (out of many possible) for the changes in pace.

If you investigate a date without a current override, view the Override History in Pricing instead.

Reporting Steps

  1. Click , then Reports, and then Pricing Override History.
  2. Select the Start Date and the End Date for the period that you want to investigate:
    • Enter a date in the Selection field and click Apply.
    • Select Specific Date from the menu. Click the left or right arrows to navigate between months; click the double arrows to navigate between years. Click the appropriate date in the calendar. Click Apply.
    •  Use flexible dates by selecting Rolling Date from the menu:
      •  Select the System Date, Start of Month (the first day of the current month) or End of Month (the last day of the current month).
      •  Optionally, choose to offset that date by selecting the option with either - or +. For System Date, the offset is number of days. For Start of Month and End of Month, the offset is the number of months.
      •  Enter the number of days or months to offset the date in the Selection field.
      • Click Apply.
  3. Select a Room Class.
  4. Select the Room Types within the Room Class.
  5. Select the Product to add to the report. Click > to add selected Products, or click >> to add all Products. You must select at least one Product to continue.
  6. Select a report Format:
    • Select On Screen to open the report in a new browser window. Use the paging arrows on the top of the window to page through multiple windows of data.
    • Select Excel to open or save the report as an Excel spreadsheet.
  7. Click Generate.

See Exporting and Printing Reports for more information about managing report downloads in your browser.

Data Details

The report displays the following information:

Column Description
Property Name The name of the property for which the override exists.
Day of Week The day of the week that corresponds to the Arrival Date.
Arrival Date The selected Arrival Date.
Room Class The Room Class to which the override applies.
Notes Notes added for the selected dates.
Product The Product to which the override applies.
Room Type The room types to which the override applies.
Decision (New and Old) The rate value of the pricing decision after and before the override was added or removed. Single letters under the decision indicate an active or removed user override: "F" for a Floor Override, "C" for a Ceiling Override, "S" or "U" for a Specific (User) Override or "R" for a removed override. If you use Group Floor Overrides, a "G" displays.
User Name The name of the user who changed the override.
Override Last Modified On The date and time on which the override was changed, displayed in the property's time zone.