Performance Comparison Report

Generate or schedule the Performance Comparison report to analyze the booking pace of a period over time and to compare it to the pace of a similar period.

For example, the team in your revenue meeting is concerned about the pace for the next month. Use the report to display a chart with the changes in On Books rooms and revenue over the last 90 days, compared to the changes for the same month last year. Start with the Hotel level, then drill down to more details, for example, by Room Class, Forecast Group, or Business View. The report has a chart and table version and also displays the forecasted rooms and revenues.

Reporting Steps

  1. Click , then Reports, and then Performance Comparison.
  2. Click the Analysis Start Date and the Analysis End Date to define the monitored period by using one of the following options:
    • Enter a date in the Selection field and click Apply.
    • Select Specific Date from the menu. On the calendar, click the single left or right arrows to navigate between months or the double arrows to navigate between years. Click the appropriate date in the calendar and click Apply.
    • Use flexible dates by selecting Rolling Date from the menu:
      1. Select the System Date, Start of Month (the first day of the System Date month) or End of Month (the last day of the System Date month).
      2. Optionally, choose to offset that date by selecting the option with either - or +. For System Date, the offset is number of days. For Start of Month and End of Month, the offset is the number of months.
      3. Enter the number of days or months to offset the date in the Selection field.
      4. Click Apply.
  3. Set the Comparison period. The date range for the Comparison period must include the same number of days as the Analysis period and use the same date selection method. When you set the Comparison Start Date, the Comparison End Date adjusts accordingly:
    1. Click the Comparison Start Date.
    2. Complete one of the following options:
      • If you selected Rolling Date to define the Analysis period, select Last year this day or Last year start of month. Optionally, choose to offset that date by selecting the option with either - or +. Enter the number of days or months to offset the date in the Selection field.
      • If you selected specific dates to define the Analysis period, select the Start Date from the calendar.
    3. Click Apply.
  4. Enter the number of Days of Pace that you want displayed in the report. The maximum value is the length of the forecast window that you set up.
  5. In Graph Options, select the revenue measurement that you want to include in the graphical version of the report. Both revenue measurements are included in the tabular results.
  6. Select the method to calculate pace:
    • Select Each Arrival Date to calculate pace days from each date in the evaluation period.
    • Select End of Selected Period to calculate pace days from the end date of the period.
      See an example for how the two methods differ.
  7. Select a data level from the View By menu. If applicable, select a sub-level, for example, a Forecast Group name if you select Forecast Groups as the data level.
  8. Select a single name from the Competitors menu to display its rate on the report. This option is only available if the Analysis period is set to a one-day duration (in other words, the Analysis Start Date and the Analysis End Date are the same) and Total Property is selected as the level.
  9. Click Generate.
  10. If you often run the report with the same selections and have the permissions, click to Save that version.

See Exporting and Printing Reports for more information about managing report downloads in your browser.

Data Details

Begin by running the report at the Total Property level to get an overview of the differences. Then drill down further by running separate detailed reports, for example, at the Transient, Group, or a single Forecast Group and even a Market Segment level. The report displays the following information, displayed at the selected levels:

Column Description
Days to Arrival

The number of days prior to each date in the analysis or comparison period that the data was captured.

For example: the analysis period is for the 10th and 11th of the month. 9 Days to Arrival captures the following Occupancy On Books data:

  • On Books for the 10th as of the first of the month, plus
  • On Books for the 11th as of the second of the month.
Occupancy on Books (Analysis Period) The number of rooms that are on books or sold for the selected analysis period, as of the number of Days to Arrival.
Occupancy on Books (Comparison Period) The number of rooms that are on books or sold for the selected comparison period, as of the number of Days to Arrival.
Occupancy ForecastClosed The number of rooms (or percentage of the total number of rooms) that G3 RMS expects the property to achieve for the period. For the calculation, see the Demand and Wash - Overview topic (under Data Details). (Analysis Period) The expected number of rooms sold for the selected analysis period, as of the number of Days to Arrival.
BAR LOS1 or BAR by Day for Room Class
(Analysis Period)
The BAR value for the lowest ranked Room Class for the selected analysis day. This column only displays if the analysis period is set to a one-day duration.
Competitor Rate
(Analysis Period)
The competitor rate for the selected analysis day. This column only displays if the analysis period is set to a one-day duration. If you enabled tax-inclusive pricing in Property Specific Setup, competitor prices include the room tax that you set up.
Booked Room Revenue (Analysis Period) The revenue from rooms that are on books or sold for the selected analysis period, as of the number of Days to Arrival.
Booked Room Revenue (Comparison Period) The revenue from rooms that are on books or sold for the selected comparison period, as of the number of Days to Arrival.
Forecasted Room Revenue (Analysis Period) The expected revenue for the selected analysis period, as of the number of Days to Arrival.
ADR On Books (Analysis Period) The ADR from rooms that are on books or sold for the selected analysis period, as of the number of Days to Arrival.
ADR On Books (Comparison Period) The ADR from rooms that are on books or sold for the selected comparison period, as of the number of Days to Arrival.
ADR Forecast (Analysis Period) The expected ADR for the selected analysis period, as of the number of Days to Arrival.


Example of the Two Pace Calculation Methods

The Performance Comparison report offers two ways to calculate pace days:

1. End of Selected Period

This option calculates the pace days from the end date of the analysis or comparison period. It shows how many rooms were on books and forecasted a certain number of pace days from the end date. The report totals the rooms and forecast values for a pace point. See the example below.

2. Each Arrival Date

This option calculates the same number of pace days from each date in the analysis period or comparison. It shows how many rooms were on books and forecasted for a certain number of pace days prior to each date in the period. The report then totals the rooms and forecast values for that pace point.

Compare the two method in the following example:

  • Analysis Period: June 11, 2021 to June 12, 2021 (Friday and Saturday)

  • Comparison Period: June 12, 2020 to June 13, 2020 (equivalent Friday and Saturday from previous year)

  • Number of Days of Pace: 30

  Analysis Period Comparison Period
  Rooms Sold -
June 11, 2021
Rooms Sold -
June 12, 2021
Rooms Sold -
June 12, 2020
Rooms Sold -
June 13, 2020
24 Days to Arrival 225 205 136 159
25 Days to Arrival 223 204 130 157
End of Selected Period

24 Days to Arrival + 25 Days to Arrival:

225 + 204 = 429

24 Days to Arrival + 25 Days to Arrival:
136 + 157 = 293
Each Arrival Date

25 Days to Arrival + 25 Days to Arrival:

223 + 204 = 427

25 Days to Arrival + 25 Days to Arrival:

130 + 157 = 287

Examples of Data Differences

You might see differences in the data between G3 RMS and other systems, like one of the following:

Last Year's Booking Pace is Missing

This scenario applies if you're in your first year of system implementation, and your reservation system provides incomplete historical data. When that occurs, last year's pace looks like a blue triangle with a straight line from zero days to arrival to the final occupancy for the monitored period. For more information, review Pace Data Missing for Last Year.

Data Differences between Reporting Levels

If you have questions about variations in data between different levels, for example, between the property and Forecast Group levels or pickup between rate code market segment level, see Data Level Differences.

Pace Data Differs between G3 RMS and Daily Extracts

If you find data variations between same time last year (STLY) in G3 RMS and other systems, see Pace Differences.

Pace Data Differs between IDeaS Systems

If you're transitioning from IDeaS RMS to G3 RMS, review Pace Differences between IDeaS Systems.