Function Space Day Parts
Day Parts define the sellable portions of a day during which an event could begin and end, including the time to reset the space to hold another event. For example, often Day Parts are Morning, Noon, Afternoon and Evening. G3 RMS uses Day Parts to forecast function space and to calculate metrics like Utilization. However, Day Parts don't limit when events occur — events can fall within a Day Part or span multiple Day Parts.
On the Day Parts tab, you can also define the Default Meeting Time for evaluations.
Excluded Day Parts
You can choose to exclude a Day Part from the forecast. An example of an excluded Day Part is the overnight hours, which hotels often block but do not specifically target for sale. Use the Exclude setting for these unsellable portions of the day.
Default Day Parts
G3 RMS provides a set of five default Day Parts that cover the full 24-hour day and that you can modify, expand or remove:
Day Part Name | Start Time |
Overnight | 12:00 AM |
Morning | 6:00 AM |
Noon | 11:00 AM |
Afternoon | 2:00 PM |
Evening | 6:00 PM |
Setup Steps
Access Day Parts
- Click
and then Configuration.
- Click Day Parts.
Define Default Meeting Time
When you first configure G3 RMS, the Default Meeting Time displays with a Start Time of 8.00 AM and an End Time of 5.00 PM. These times display as the default meeting time when you evaluate Function Space.
If needed, change the default times to your most common start and end times.
Adding Day Parts
- Click Add
- Click Add New Day Part. A new row is created in the Day Part table.
- Enter a unique name in the Day Part Name column.
- Enter a Start Time using the 12-hour time format Hour:Minute. Include AM or PM.
- Select the Exclude checkbox if you do not want G3 RMS to include the Day Part in the Function Space forecast because it is not of interest for revenue management and forecasting purposes. Excluded Day Parts will not appear on the Forecast Review page or the Demand Calendar.
- Click Save.
Deleting Day Parts
- Click Delete
in the Day Part row.
- Click Save.
Best Practices
Understand How to Set Up Day Parts
- Day Parts must be contiguous.
- You must have at least one Day Part.
- Each Day Part must be at least three hours long.
- The duration of a Day Part depends on the time remaining before the next Day Part begins. One Day Part ends at the same time that another begins. For example, one Day Part may go from 7:00 AM to 10:00 AM, and the next Day Part may go from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM.
- The total duration of all Day Parts cannot exceed 24 hours.
- A Day Part can begin before and end after midnight.
Consider How Your Hotel Uses Function Rooms
Function Space forecasts at the Day Part level. Consider how your hotel typically uses function rooms when setting up Day Parts. For example, if you define a morning Day Part that ends at 9:00 AM, but many morning events end at 9:30 AM, the forecast might artificially inflate the next Day Part.
Understand How G3 RMS Handles Events That Overlap Day Parts
If an event covers two Day Parts and the second one is excluded from the forecast, G3 RMS places the event's revenue in the first period that is included. For example, if you include the dinner Day Part but exclude the overnight period, and an event lasts from dinner into overnight, the system applies that event's revenue to the dinner Day Part. G3 RMS ignores the utilization for the overnight period.
Understand the Impact of Changing the "Exclude" Setting
When you add, edit, delete or change the Exclude setting for a Day Part after the system has started forecasting, the changes invalidate the Function Space forecast and any user overrides for all Day Parts. G3 RMS triggers the Sync flag to indicate that current data is not optimal, and the system must reprocess the forecast at the next optimization or when you start the Sync process. The system will base the new forecast on the historical utilization of the new Day Part setup. See Sync for more information.