My Forecast
After you enable My Forecast, use the My Forecast tab to add your forecast data so that you can view it in dashboards and reports. You can:
Enter the data at the business type or business view level, see Best Practices.
Enter your forecast data in a table or upload an Excel template. View how to select the best entry method.
Send Budget and My Forecast data directly into G3 RMS if you use RevPlan.
Setup Steps
Using the My Forecast Table
- Click
, then External Data, and then Budget and My Forecast.
See Budget and My Forecast for help with enabling My Forecast. - Click the My Forecast tab.
- Click the date button to select the month or fiscal period and year for which you want to enter data. You can view and enter data for one month or fiscal period at a time. Click the right arrow
or left arrow
to move forward or back one period.
- Define your forecast at the Month, Week or Day level, see Table for details.
- Click Save to save your forecast for the period. Use the date selector to move to the next period to continue adding your forecast data.
Using the Template
- Click
, then External Data, and then Budget and My Forecast.
See Budget and My Forecast for help with enabling My Forecast. - Click the My Forecast tab.
- On the right side of the page, select the Start Date and the End Date for the period to define your forecast data. The default Start Date is the current date and the default End Date is the end of the current year. The maximum period for which you can set up forecast data is 730 days.
- Click Download.
- Save the file to a location on your computer.
- Complete the required columns in the My Forecast worksheet, see Template for their descriptions.
- Save the modified file in an XLSX format.
- On the My Forecast page, click Upload.
- Navigate to and select the saved workbook.
- Click Open.
- G3 RMS checks the workbook for data and formatting errors. If the system finds no errors, you can view the data in the table. If it finds errors, it cancels the import and tells you which rows have errors. Click the Excel icon
to export the error list. Correct the errors, then import the workbook again. See Fix the issues that cause upload errors.
Editing My Forecast Data Using the Template
At any time, you can export your forecast data into a workbook to modify and re-import your forecast data, as needed. The exported workbook contains forecast information for the date range that you select on the My Forecast tab when you export the workbook. Any occupancy dates that have no existing forecast data display the default 0 value. When you import the template, the forecast data in the dates that you included overwrite any data that you previously saved in the system.
Data Details
Using the My Forecast Table
Column | Description |
Week # |
Click the open icon Click the open icon |
DOW, Date | The day of the week and occupancy date to which the forecast applies, which display when you open the Week number. |
Business Type | The business levels of Transient and Group for which you can enter forecast data. |
Business View | The Property Business Views that you set up in G3 RMS. You are not required to enter forecast data for all Business Views. Leave the default zero value for any Business Views that do not have a forecast. |
Forecast Rooms |
Enter the number of forecasted rooms by Business View or Business Type at either the monthly, weekly or daily level. You must distribute rooms entered at the higher monthly or weekly levels to the lower levels using the Distribute button. Rooms entered at the lower levels are automatically totaled at the higher levels. Each forecasted rooms value must be a positive, whole number. The sum of the rooms for all business types or business views can't exceed the property's physical capacity
Forecast Revenue |
Enter your forecasted revenue by Business View or Business Type at either the monthly, weekly or daily level. You must distribute revenue values entered at the higher monthly or weekly levels to the lower levels using the Distribute button. Values entered at the lower levels are automatically totaled at the higher levels. You can include up to two decimal places for revenue values.
Distribute |
Click Distribute to distribute monthly or weekly rooms or revenue values across the period. If you enter forecast data as a monthly total, you can choose how the total is divided and distributed to each day in the month, so daily views are representative of how you expect your business to behave. If you expect some days of the week to sell more rooms or have a higher ADR than others, select the option to distribute a specific day of week pattern, rather than distributing evenly: 1. Distribute EvenlySelect No, Distribute evenly to distribute uniformly over the days of the week. G3 RMS automatically divides the total value and distributes it proportionally to all days in the month at the monthly level and all days in the week at the weekly level. If the whole value does not divide into equal values for the period, G3 RMS adjusts the distribution. Remainders are distributed starting with the first days of the week or month. For example, if you distribute 10 forecasted rooms into a 7-day week, the resulting forecasted rooms for the first three days are 2 each, and all other days of the week are 1. 2. Distribute by Day of WeekSelect Yes to provide a specific distribution by day of week. A window opens in which you can specify the percentage, either forecasted rooms or forecasted revenue, for each day of the week. The values must be whole numbers, and the sum of all days of the week must equal 100%. To help you build a typical day of week distribution, G3 RMS automatically calculates and suggests an average day of week distribution based on past data for the same month last year. If you have this historical data, G3 RMS calculates the average distribution pattern and displays that day of week pattern. If the historical data is not available, G3 RMS shows the percentages as zero. Adjust the distribution values for each day of week, as needed. |
Using the Template
Column | Description |
Property Name and Property ID |
The identifying information for the property for which you are adding forecast data. Do not change this information. |
Occupancy Date |
The dates for the period that you selected when you exported the template. |
DOW | The day of the week for the occupancy date. |
Segment |
If you selected to enter your forecast at the business type level, you see the business levels of Transient and Group for which you can enter forecast data. |
Business View | The group of market segments for the forecast data. |
Forecast Rooms |
The number of rooms that you forecast will be sold for the occupancy date and market segments. When you export the template, this value defaults to 0. Enter the number of forecasted rooms for each date. The spreadsheet cannot have blank cells. Leave "0" as a placeholder if you have no forecast data for a date. |
Forecast Revenue |
The room revenue that you forecast for the occupancy date and market segments. When you export the template, this value defaults to 0.00. Enter the forecasted revenue for the date, using numeric values with up to two decimal places. The spreadsheet cannot have blank cells. Leave "0.00" as a placeholder if you have no forecast data for a date. |
Best Practices
If Possible, Enter the Data at the Property Business View Level
Understand How Property Business Views Help You
To enter the budget or My Forecast at the Property Business View level, you need to first set up your Property Business Views. Unlike Forecast Groups, which G3 RMS creates from your market segments for analytical purposes, you set up Property Business Views based on your business needs and how you want to view your data in G3 RMS. Group your market segments the same way that you group them when you prepare your budget and forecast. Then, add your budget or forecast data for each Property Business View.
If Needed, Resolve Errors in Property Business Views
A warning icon displays at the top of the page if all your market segments in G3 RMS are not assigned to a Property Business View or you have a Property Business View with no market segments. Unassigned market segments mean that you could see an incorrect comparison between Property Business View data and other data within the system that includes that market segment data. For an accurate data comparison, be sure you assign all market segments in G3 RMS to a Property Business View.
Select the Entry Method That Is Best For You
When to Use the Table
The table is the best option if you prepare your budget or forecast data as a summary total by month or week, not for each occupancy date. In the table, you can enter the data at a monthly, fiscal period, or weekly level. The table includes a feature to distribute the data from months to weeks and days, then change the data for specific dates, if needed. As soon as you save the data, you can view it by day in dashboards and reports.
If you upload daily budget or forecast data using the Excel template, the table summarizes it to show weekly and monthly totals. If needed, you can use the table in the system to edit your uploaded values.
When to Use the Template
If you define your budget or forecast data by day, you can import an Excel workbook with that data.
Begin by selecting the dates and exporting the template. Upload the completed workbook after you add your data. You can add to or change imported data by exporting a new workbook or by using the table in the system.
With RevPlan, Send the Data to G3 RMS
If your property uses RevPlan, use the Export option there (under Admin click Submission, then Schedule) to update the Budget and Forecast data in G3 RMS. To use the Export from RevPlan you must:
- Enable Budget and My Forecast.
- Define both at the Business View level.
- Ensure that the names of your Property Business View match exactly the Market Segment PMS description names in RevPlan.
Fix the Issues that Cause Upload Errors
Include Valid Data
- Rooms values are whole numbers. Revenue values include up to two decimal places.
- The date column must include valid dates.
- No rows are incomplete. Each occupancy date must have both rooms and revenue. Add "0" as a placeholder, if needed.
- For Business Type: use only Transient and Group and include each once for each occupancy date.
- For Business View:
- In the Business View column, use only names from the Property Business View page.
- Include each Business View only once for each occupancy date.
- The sum of the rooms for all Business Views does not exceed the property's physical capacity for an occupancy date.
Don't Change the Template Columns
- The column order and titles for columns A-E are the same as in the original, exported template.
- The Property ID has not changed and matches the property to which the file is being uploaded.
- If needed for your own work, you can enter data on other columns or worksheets in the My Forecast workbook that do not contain template data. G3 RMS ignores this extra data when you import the workbook.