Mass BAR Configuration
The Mass BAR Configuration enables you set up your Rate Plans and Rate Details for the first time, or change or add Rate Plans, with an Excel workbook. If you have a high number of BAR levels or seasons, Mass BAR saves you time.
If you use the Rate Plan Configuration instead of the Mass BAR option, we recommend that you use the Mass BAR export to review your setup.
Note: you can only set up one property at a time.
Setup Steps
- Click , then Decisions, and then Mass BAR.
- In the Export pane, select a workbook option:
- Select Blank to set up new Rate Plans. The template will populate with the Property ID, Property Name, Room Class, and Room Types but will not include any other rate plan details.
- Select All to download and modify all of your existing setup. The template will populate with the existing rate plan setup.
- Select Filter to download a subset of your existing setup. For example, you want to change the rates for one rate plan and one seasonal period. Select any combination of the following filters:
- Select a Start Date and an End Date to find rate plans that are set up for the specified date range.
- By default, G3 RMS selects all Rate Plans for download. Remove any Rate Plans from the Rate Plans Selected list that you do not want to edit. Press Ctrl+click to select the ones to remove, and click < to remove them.
- Click Export.
- Save the file to a location on your computer.
- Complete the BAR Details worksheet. For more information, view the Best Practices and Data Details sections. You can also use the "Instructions" tab in the Excel file.
- Save the modified workbook.
- In the Import pane, click Choose File.
- Navigate to and select the saved workbook.
- Click Open.
- Click Import. G3 RMS validates the workbook to check for data and formatting errors. If you have thousands of rows, this process can take several minutes. If the system finds no errors, the data imports and is available to view in Rate Plan setup. If it finds errors, it cancels the import and tells you which rows have errors. Click the export icon to export the error list. Correct the errors and then re-import the workbook.
Data Details
Column | Entry |
Property ID |
The Property
ID for the property for which you are adding or editing rate plans. You can only set up rate plans for one property at a time. Do not edit this column or add new properties. However, you can copy and paste the row in order to create rate plans for the property. |
Property | The name of the property from which you exported the template. Do not edit this information or add new properties. |
BAR Rate Plan Name | The name of the rate plan. |
BAR Rate Plan Start Date | The first date of the rate plan's date range, using the DD-MMM-YYYY format. |
BAR Rate Plan End Date | The last date of the rate plan's date range, using the DD-MMM-YYYY format. |
Room Class | The Room Class for the rate plan. |
Room Type | The Room Type for the rate plan. |
BAR Details Start Date | The first date for the rate plan's seasonal date range. Use the DD-MMM-YYYY format. The seasonal start date must fall within the dates of rate plan. |
BAR Details End Date | The last date for the rate plan's seasonal date range. Use the DD-MMM-YYYY format. The seasonal end date must fall within the dates of the rate plan. |
Value (Day of Week) |
The BAR value of the rate plan for each day of the week, from Sunday to Saturday. |
Best Practices
Use these tips to help you complete the Excel template. For best practices about how to share your overall pricing strategy with G3 RMS, review Best Practices for Setting Up Rate Plans.
Enter Valid Data
If the worksheet has data or format issues, the import fails. Ensure the following:
- The first two columns (A and B) contain the Property ID and Property Name for the property from which you exported the template. Do not edit this information. The Property ID and Property Name must be present on each row containing BAR rate plan data.
- Do not move, delete, or add columns. You can add new columns on the right side of the column headings highlighted in yellow. G3 RMS ignores them when you import your data.
- Do not change cell formatting within the columns.
- Do not add extra data or calculations in the columns with the headers in yellow.
- Don't use zero or negative values.
- Date fields must contain dates entered in "DD-MMM-YYYY" format, for example, "25-Jun-2020".
- Do not change the name of the BAR Details worksheet. You can add additional worksheets for your data and calculations. G3 RMS will ignore worksheets that you create, so you do not need to remove them before you import your data.
- The first row of the file must contain the header names exactly as they appear in the template. Do not change this content.
- The file type must remain .xlsx
Enter Values for All Room Types
When you create a new season, either by adding dates or editing dates, provide rates for all room types. If you omit a room type, it will not have values in the system.
Consider the Rules for Creating Seasons
- If you add a new season with dates that overlap an existing season, G3 RMS adjusts the dates of the existing season to accommodate the new season, following these rules:
- When the new season falls within the date range of an existing season, the existing season is split into two seasons, with the new season falling in the middle and date ranges adjusted accordingly. The rates by room type for the split season are maintained
- When you set a Start Date for a new season to include dates at the end of an existing season, the existing season is adjusted to end on the date prior to the Start Date of the new season
- When a new season includes all the dates of an existing season, the new season replaces the existing season
- Seasons with only past dates cannot be changed
- When a season's Start Date is in the past and its End Date is in the future, G3 RMS will split the period when you import your data, even if you do not change the period. The past dates become one season with existing rates retained. The future period becomes a new season with the new rates. All room types that you want to have rates for this period must be present with rates in your workbook
- Where gaps exist in the dates between seasons, the gap is considered a season with an undefined rate
- You cannot change Start Dates for a Rate Plan or Rate Details to be before the current System Date
- Seasons in Rate Details must fall within the dates of their Rate Plan
- Rate Details for the same room type in a Rate Plan cannot have overlapping Start and End Dates
- If you change the dates for a Rate Plan and exclude a date for which you used the Rate Plan as a pricing override, G3 RMS removes the override
Use Rate Plan Setup to Delete Rate Plans
You cannot delete Rate Plans using the worksheet. If you delete rows, the removed Rate Plans will not change in the system. You can delete the rows in the worksheet for any BAR Rate Plans that you do not wish to edit
Conform Your BAR Values to Your Price Ranking
BAR values in Rate Plans must conform to the Price Ranking that you set up. In other words, higher-ordered Room Classes must have equal or higher rates than lower-ordered Room Classes.