Limited Data Build Market Segments

Review this topic if your Limited Data Build page contains a Market Segment tab:

Use this tab to ensure that the listed market segments are correct. G3 RMS must know your property's market segments before the Limited Data Build (LDB) process can run.

You cannot edit or delete a market segment after you save each entry, so verify each entry before you save it. Contact IDeaS Support if you require changes to the data that you saved on this tab.

The Market Segment tab doesn't display after the Limited Data Build process runs for the first time.

Setup Steps

  1. Click , then Forecasts, and then Limited Data Build.
  2. Click the Market Segment tab.
  3. Click the add icon to open a row for a new market segment.
  4. Enter the Code for the market segment. Each market segment code must be unique.
  5. Enter the Name for the market segment.
  6. Enter an optional Description.
  7. Click the save icon . A confirmation window opens. Click Yes if you are certain that the information is correct.

For the next steps, review the Limited Data Build Work Flow.