Price Change Range

Use the Price Change Range if you want the price of an independent product to remain the same. For example, some clients with extended stay products use this for their monthly price because their guests don't expect the price to change daily during their stay.

Steps to Set Up a Price Change Range

  1. Click , then Decisions, and then Pricing.
  2. Click Advanced Settings .
  3. Click Price Change Range.
  4. Select the Product.
  5. Select the Frequency:
    • Select None to define a one-time Start and End Date. Create additional ranges for other periods.
    • Select Monthly to use a recurring pattern for a full month with a defined Start Date. For example, select the first of the month and G3 RMS keeps the price of the selected product the same during each month and updates the price at the end of each month.
  6. For Monthly, select End Date to define an end of the repeating pattern, for example, the end of the year. Otherwise, select No End Date.
  7. Select the Start Date and, if needed, the End Date. For that period G3 RMS recommends only one price, not varying daily prices.
  8. Click to Add the range. Add other ranges, if needed.
  9. Click Save.