Market Segment
Use Market Segment to map the market segments from your sales and catering system (like Delphi) to the market segments in G3 RMS. If you subscribe to the integration of the two systems, this ensure that the group booking data from the sales and catering system is sent to the correct fields in the G3 RMS Group Pricing Evaluation screen.
Setup Steps
If you remap market segments, you cannot run evaluations until the next optimization completes.
- Click
, then Decisions, and then Group Pricing Configuration.
- Click Market Segment. All market segments from your sales and catering system display as Sales and Catering Market Segments.
- For each of the Sales and Catering Market Segments, select a G3 RMS market segment from the Map to RMS Market Segment menu on the right.
- Click Save.
Best Practices
Map All Market Segments
You must map all sales and catering market segments before you can start an evaluation in your sales and catering system. The system alerts you if it finds an Unassigned Function Space Market Segment.
Map each unmatched sales and catering market segment to only one G3 RMS market segment. You can use each existing G3 RMS market segment as a target for more than one sales and catering market segment.