The occupancy, revenue or ADR that the property achieved, once the day is in the past. Actual occupancy is also called Final Rooms Sold.
Average Daily Rate. Room revenue divided by the number of rooms of occupancy.
An Alert in the Information Manager warns you about critical data and configuration issues. An alert means that the system may not work optimally, or sometimes not at all, so you should resolve Alerts daily.
Revenue sources other than room and conference & banquet revenue. Examples include restaurant, spa, golf, entertainment, etc. Ancillary Revenue Streams can be configured for group and transient market segments.
Average Room Rate. The same as ADR (Average Daily Rate).
The date on which the guest arrives.
The remaining price-able unconstrained demand that will arrive on a date in the future. It is limited to market segments that are impacted by pricing changes (all unqualified and all linked qualified market segments) and only applies to a selected length of stay and room class.
The Effective Capacity (physical capacity minus Out of Order rooms) plus Overbooking.
Physical Capacity plus Overbooking minus On Books and minus Out of Order. This value is the number of rooms that G3 RMS can sell before the property or room type is sold out.
Best Available Rate. The lowest non-restricted product with flexible cancellation policy that anyone can book. G3 RMS optimizes the pricing of the BAR product. Other products, like Advanced Purchase or packages, can be linked to the BAR price.
The rate code that is the starting point for the price of linked products. The linked products are child products of the Base Product. G3 RMS calculates the price for the Base Product, then determines the price for its children by adjusting the Base Product price.
The one room type in each Room Class on which the system bases its pricing for the other room types in the Room Class.
A "Beta" label displays to identify new features that are not yet generally available. You will see this label if your property is using the feature as part of a pilot agreement with IDeaS.
Block type forecast groups are booked through blocks and refer mostly to group business. An exception would be transient wholesale business that has contracted a number of blocked rooms per day.
Measures how the occupancy changes as the arrival date approaches. It shows the speed at which reservations are booked.
The lowest rate to charge the group to at least generate the same profit as the profit the group will displace.
Also known as Nightly Processing. The standard daily system update that runs during overnight hours after the end of the business day.
Transient or Group.
The physical room types that form the parts of a Component Room Type.
A room type code that is formed by combining multiple physical room types. For example, room type CR1 is formed by combining one PR1 and one PR2 physical room type.
An individual room number that is formed by combining multiple physical room numbers. For example, room number 200 is formed from room numbers 101 and 102.
In a Group Pricing Evaluation, concessions are discounted and/or complimentary group rooms that are negotiated with a group.
Conference and Banquet related revenue sources, exclusive of guest room revenue. Includes revenue streams such as meeting room rental, audio/visual equipment, banquet food and beverage, etc.
The number of rooms that could be sold considering the hotel's capacity or restrictions on bookings.
Cost of Walk happens if your property is unable to provide the confirmed room to a guest and has to relocate, or walk, the guest to another hotel. In that situation, costs might include the hotel room at the other hotel, a taxi, etc. Cost of Walk influences the overbooking level: G3 RMS weighs the risks of overbooking, represented by Cost of Walk, against its benefits, which are the additional revenues from selling another room. The higher the Cost of Walk, the lower G3 RMS tends to overbook.
Centralized Reservation System. A centralized reservation system that is used to take reservations for one or multiple hotels.
Until this date, a property holds a block of rooms at a certain price for a group. After this date, the property can release any unsold rooms from the block for general sale.
A step that G3 RMS goes through when building a new property. During this set-up step, G3 RMS has received the property's data, but the data is not yet saved in the G3 RMS database. The System Date is today.
Files with new and changed booking data that G3 RMS receives from the reservation system. It includes reservations, group blocks, and inventory summary data. Also called Snapshots or Daily Extracts.
A step that G3 RMS goes through when building a new property. During this set-up step, G3 RMS is processing historical data extracts in consecutive order and is saving these data extracts to the G3 RMS database. The System Date is a past date.
A step that G3 RMS goes through when building a new property. During this set-up step, G3 RMS is processing the daily G3 RMS data extracts on a daily basis. The System Date is today.
A processing status in which G3 RMS is producing forecasts and decisions, but not sending them to the selling system.
A processing status in which G3 RMS is producing forecasts and decisions, and sending them to the selling system.
In an optimizaton, G3 RMS sends updated, or differential, decisions. That means that it sends only changes in pricing, overbooking or LRV that happened in the last optimization. For a full decision file that replaces all existing decisions, please open a case.
In an evaluation, displacement refers to the rooms, revenue or profit that you lose from other bookings when you accept a group.
Days of the week.
Days to Arrival. The difference between the System Date and the Occupancy or Arrival Date that you are viewing.
The hotel's physical capacity minus the out of order rooms.
The value of the pricing decision that G3 RMS sends to the selling systems. Final Price is derived from the system's Optimal Price, after applying rounding rules, offsets and supplements (if applicable). Final Price also includes your configured tax value, if you are using tax-inclusive (VAT) pricing.
Use Floor and Ceiling in Pricing configuration to define the price range of a product. The Ceiling is the highest value that G3 RMS can set for a price and the Floor is the lowest.
You characterize market segments by adding attributes. G3 RMS combines similar market segments into Forecast Groups to ensure sufficient booking data. Forecast Groups with similar characteristics and enough data improve forecasting and optimization performance.
The Forecast window defines the number of days for which G3 RMS forecasts unconstrained demand. It also defines the window for which you can run Group Pricing evaluations. The default Forecast Window is 365 days, but it can be set to a maximum of 730 days. The Forecast Window usually matches the length of the Optimization Window.
Restrictions that determine if a rate is open for an arrival date and length of stay. See the scenarios in the Restriction Configuration topic for examples.
The number of rooms allocated to a group in the reservation system that provides G3 RMS with data.
The difference between the number of rooms blocked at its peak and the final number of rooms actually occupied.
Hospitality Technology Next Generation is an association that creates standards to enable better integration between systems. Examples of reservation systems that use the HTNG standard are: Protel i/o, Suite8, NEC, Spectra, WebRezPro, Vail LMS, Infor HMS, Newbook, RMS PMS.
A system that sends data to G3 RMS. A PMS or CRS are examples of Inbound Systems. Some PMS and CRS are also Outbound Systems, which means they receive decisions from G3 RMS.
The net gain (or loss) in number of rooms that will result if the property accepts a group. This value equals the Total Rooms for the group minus Displaced Rooms.
System updates that occur between nightly system updates. Also known as Current Day Processing or CDP. The number of daytime processings varies based on the selected subscription for the property.
The number of days a guest is staying at the hotel. This value is also the difference between the departure date and the arrival date.
Limited Data Build enables properties with less than 365 days or no historical data to use . The missing historical data is replaced by two other data sources: Booking Patterns and Projections for the expected demand by market segment. In the Limited Data Build process, G3 RMS combines these two sources to produce forecasts and decisions.
Last Room Value (LRV) is a control that blocks lower-valued yieldable business when G3 RMS thinks that your property might sell out. LRV ensures that you accept only the most valuable demand. For example, an LRV of $150 means that guests can book a Flexible Rate product at $160, but not a discounted PrePay&Save product at $140. G3 RMS optimizes LRV by Room Class.
A grouping of rate codes with similar attributes that describe their behavior. G3 RMS groups similar Market Segments together into Forecast Groups, which it uses to forecast unconstrained demand.
The Room Class for which a value displays if there is only space to show one. For example, the price on the Summary tab of the Business Analysis Dashboard.
The status of a group booking, for example tentative or definite.
The lowest rate that you are willing to charge a group. Used in Group Pricing Configuration with the Upper Limit to provide G3 RMS with a range of group rates for Group Pricing Evaluations.
Restrictions that prevent the guest from booking a stay shorter than the number of days selected. See the scenarios in the Restriction Configuration topic for examples.
Also known as Business Day End or BDE. The standard daily system update that runs during overnight hours after the end of the business day.
In general, non-yieldable rates are available for any length of stay regardless of the inventory controls set by the hotel. In the system, non-yieldable refers to a configuration setting in the property's reservation system that does not allow the LRV to control the availability of a rate code.
The remaining price-able unconstrained demand that will stay over an occupancy date in the future. It is limited to market segments that are impacted by pricing changes (all unqualified and all linked qualified market segments) and only applies to the selected Room Class or Room Type.
The number of rooms (or percentage of the total number of rooms) that G3 RMS expects the property to achieve for the period. For the calculation, see the Demand and Wash - Overview topic (under Data Details).
G3 RMS uses the demand forecast (volume and value), the available capacity to sell, your configuration and your interactions (Special Events, overrides) to calculate optimized controls. Optimization output includes pricing for the the primary priced product, Last Room Value (LRV), overbooking and the constrained Occupancy Forecast.
The Optimization Window defines the number of days for which G3 RMS produces decisions and a constrained occupancy forecast. You can view the optimized decisions and occupancy forecast for the Optimization Window, but the system only sends decisions for the Upload Window. The default Optimization Window is 365 days, but it can be set to a maximum of 730 days. It usually matches and can't be longer than the Forecast Window.
Refers to rooms that you physically can't sell, for example, because they need repair. OOO rooms reduce the Available Capacity to Sell and may lead to changes in forecasts and decisions in the next optimization. Don't use OOO status to hold reservations, see Business Practices Help text for more information.
A system that receives data from G3 RMS, for example a selling system. Some outbound systems support a two-way transfer of information. That means they act as an outbound system receiving data and as an inbound system sending data to G3 RMS.
The practice of selling more rooms than are physically present in your hotel to make up for wash (cancellations, no-shows etc.). The goal of overbooking is to maximize revenue by achieving as close to 100% occupancy as possible on any given day.
When the user changes a value that G3 RMS calculated, for example, an override of the remaining demand or wash forecast.
Peak, or Total Demand, is the combination of the rooms on books and the remaining unconstrained demand.
The Servicing Cost is the average direct cost to your hotel of an occupied room, which may include costs such as housekeeping and guest amenities. Typically, this cost is not high, as it represents the difference in cost between a vacant, clean room and an occupied room. In other words, it is the additional costs that occur when a guest is in the room. These figures should be available from the Housekeeping Manager or Finance team.
The total number of guest rooms at a property, including out of order rooms.
For Groups, for example in Group Wash by Group, the number of rooms for which there are reservations against the group block in the property's reservation system (the system that provides the data to G3 RMS).
The change in a performance metric between two dates. For example, the Occupancy On Books pickup since yesterday.
The days following a group departure date.
The days prior to a group arrival date.
Main pricing decision that G3 RMS optimizes. Usually this is the lowest non-restricted product with flexible cancellation policy that anyone can book. The default name is Best Available Rate (BAR), but you can change it in Pricing Configuration.
Only available if you enabled Profit or Channel Optimization. Profit per available room. ProPAR equals the profit divided by capacity (based on property's selection, either Physical Capacity or Effective Capacity, and is comparable to RevPAR.
Only available if you enabled Profit or Channel Optimization. Profit per occupied room. ProPOR equals the profit divided by the number of occupied rooms and is comparable to ADR.
Channels that automatically receive inventory availability and pricing from the PMS or CRS. Restrictions translate Last Room Value (LRV) into controls that these channels can understand.
A qualified rate is a rate that the guest must qualify for; for example, a corporate rate or special rate due to affiliation or membership with a specific organization.
An optimal group rate, which the system calculates considering both maximizing profits and the probability of a group accepting a specific rate. Generated for a Group Pricing Evaluation.
The remaining unconstrained demand for a date in the future. This value is either generated by G3 RMS or, in case of an active user demand override, the user override value plus or minus a possible system adjustment. G3 RMS adjusts a demand override according to the booking pace, so the override remains accurate after its implementation.
The primary reservation system, like a PMS or CRS, that provides data to G3 RMS. The data from that one system is used by the RMS to forecast, optimize and produce controls. The controls are sent to all selling systems, which for some integrations may exclude the reservation system.
An inventory or pricing control function to ensure that some dates are not sold below a certain rate or length of stay, for example, a three-night minimum length of stay restriction.
Revenue Optimization is a business discipline and culture that focuses on balancing supply and demand in a rational and disciplined systematic way to maximize revenue and profit while managing risk under current and anticipated market conditions.
Revenue Per Available Room. The total room revenue divided by the total number of rooms (capacity). For the capacity definition, see the At a Glance - RevPAR topic (under Data Details).
Revenue Management System. A reference to G3 RMS, used throughout this Help text.
The equivalent day or period two years ago. ST2Y is adjusted by day of week so the past data is compared to the same days of the week as this year.
The equivalent day or period last year. STLY is adjusted by day of week so last year's data is compared to the same days of the week as this year.
Any distribution system, like a PMS, CRS or a Channel Manager, that is used to sell your transient guest room inventory. Ideally, G3 RMS sends all controls to your selling systems, but this may vary based on their capabilities. For some integrations, the selling systems may not include the reservation system that provides with data.
Semi-yieldable rates can be closed but only when the same room type or length of stay is closed for your the primary priced product; for example, Last Room Available (LRA) accounts.
A date that is adjacent to a busy date.
STR is a global provider of competitive benchmarking, information services and research to the hotel industry. STR reports provide property performance data compared to its competitive aggregate and general market, allowing you to follow trends in occupancy, average daily rate (ADR), revenue per available room (RevPAR).
An event or period when transient patterns (occupancy, revenue, ADR, pace) differ from normal patterns. This can be a holiday, a sporting event, a convention, festival, etc.
A reference to G3 RMS, used throughout this Help text.
The IDeaS name for a system administrator role. Users with that role configure a property's permissions: creating other Roles, then assigning them to Users. They ensure that the right users have the appropriate access in the system.
Displayed in the top right of each page, the date on which G3 RMS received data from the reservation system. If the system receives no data by a certain time in the morning, it triggers an alert.
G3 RMS is receiving extracts, but IDeaS temporarily paused the processing of these extracts as it is carrying out a scheduled support activity. The System Date is when the last extract was processed.
A property's status for receiving, populating, and sending data in G3 RMS. Click the information icon following the System Date to see the System Mode.
G3 RMS is no longer receiving daily data extracts and has not processed since the last extract was received. The System Date is when the last extract was received.
G3 RMS generated remaining unconstrained demand for a date in the future.
On Books plus the remaining unconstrained demand.
Tax-inclusive pricing applies in countries where quoted and booked prices have to include taxes like a Value-Added Tax (VAT) or Goods and Services Tax (GST). If you are not in a country with tax-inclusive pricing, taxes are added to pricing only at the point of payment. In G3 RMS, tax-inclusive pricing is enabled and configured in Property Specific Configuration.
Group On-Books+Group Remaining Demand
Transient On-Books+Transient Remaining Demand
Guests who book individually rather than with a group.
Unconstrained, or true demand refers to how much you could sell if there were no constraints such as the hotel’s capacity or restrictions on bookings. This demand forecast shows you the potential demand, not just the limited demand that you accept. See the Demand and Wash (Overview) topic for how the system calculates unconstrained demand.
An unqualified rate is open to the general public and does not require an affiliation with a company or organization to be booked.
The Upload Window is the number of days for which G3 RMS sends decisions, including pricing, overbooking and LRV, to your selling systems. It also defines the period for which you can upload changed decisions. The Upload Window is limited by the inventory window of your reservation system, so it is the number of days for which your PMS or CRS can accept reservations and decisions. Typically, that limit is 365 days, but some reservation systems allow up to 396 days. The window also depends on your IDeaS subscription and can't be longer than the Optimization Window. Contact your IDeaS representative to change your Upload Window.
The maximum rate that you would charge a group in a high demand period. Used in Group Pricing Configuration with the Default MAR to provide G3 RMS with a range of group rates for Group Pricing Evaluations.
The user generated remaining constrained demand for a date in the future. This value is used for Forecast Groups with a booking type attribute of ‘block,’ so typically for groups. G3 RMS may still apply wash to the override value but otherwise accepts the value as the new forecast.
The user generated remaining unconstrained demand for a date in the future. This value is the user override plus or minus a possible system generated adjustment. G3 RMS adjusts the user’s demand override according to the booking pace so that the override remains accurate after its implementation.
Another name for a Component Room Type.
The drop in occupancy due to cancellations, no-shows, group cut-offs, etc. For future dates, the percentage is the expected drop for the Peak Demand. For past dates, it is the expected wash as of the last optimization.
For G3 RMS, yieldable refers to a configuration setting in the property's reservation system that allows the LRV to control the availability of a rate code.