Function Space Package
Use Package setup if your property prices groups per attendee, also called daily delegate pricing. You define the different Packages and how much of each revenue stream (like food, beverage, or audio-visual) they include. Package setup has two steps:
- Configure Package Elements:
Set up Package Types that group packages together. For example, the Full Day package type has two versions: Full Day with Dinner and Full Day without Dinner. Then, define each package element, for example, for lunch, the tax amount and if it's commissionable. - Configure Package:
Define the name, package type and the values for each package element that are included in the package.
Setup Steps
Accessing Package Setup
and then Configuration.
Click Package. The Configure Package Elements tab opens.
Configure Package Elements
Under Add Package Type, enter the name for the first package type, then click
to add the package type.
- Repeat to add all your package types.
- Under Add Package Element, enter the name for the first element, for example, Coffee Break Beverage.
- Select the Revenue Stream that the element belongs to, for example, Beverage for the Coffee Break example. You define the options in the Conference & Banquet tab.
- Under Tax Bucket, enter the tax percentage for the revenue stream. If a revenue stream has two different tax percentages, create two elements, for example, Food 10% and Food 20%.
- Check if the element is Commissionable. If you select this, you can enter a commission value in an evaluation.
- Check if the element includes a Service Charge. You define the value in the Configure Package tab.
Note: This is an informational field and doesn’t impact the evaluation results. - Check Include in Package if you want to use the element in evaluations.
- Click
to add the package element.
- If needed, make changes or
delete the package element.
- Click Save. Repeat to add all the package elements that you want to include in your Packages.
Configure Package
- Click the Configure Package tab.
- Click Add Package.
- Enter the Package Name.
- Select a Package Type from the options that you defined on the Configure Package Elements tab.
- By default the package is checked as Active. Clear the checkbox if you don't want users to select it in an evaluation, for example, if you are not yet selling it.
- For each package element that you defined, enter the fixed value that you would sell the element at if sold separately. G3 RMS uses your defined value for the package price in an evaluation; it doesn't optimize or change the value.
- If you selected the Service Charge checkbox in the first tab, enter its amount as a percentage or a fixed value.
- If you use Function Space, select how much of the recommended Room Rental in an evaluation is included in a recommended package price: Full, Half, or None.
- Select if the Guest Room Rate in an evaluation is Included or Not Included in the package. This varies based on how you quote the package, for example, if you quote the guest room rate separately.
- The Sub Total displays the sum of all the values that you entered.
- Click to
apply the settings for the package.
- Repeat these steps to add all your packages.
- If needed, make changes. Click to
cancel your changes or click to
delete the package.
- Click Save.